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2010 Toyota RAV4 Pros and Cons at TrueDelta: Owner Pros and Cons by helderado



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Reviewed: 2010 Toyota RAV4

4dr SUV 269-horsepower 3.5L V6 5-speed automatic AWD

Why the 2010 Toyota RAV4?

Fuel economy

For an AWD V6 SUV fuel economy is very good and only uses 1 mpg more than the 4cyl model, while providing considerably more power.


The Rav is relatively light and hast a tight turning radius. The Rav also take corner with aplomb and feels very nimble for a SUV.

Safety & braking

Love the combined safety net of ABS, Traction Control and Stability Control.

Discounts & incentives

Finance rate was very low when I bought the Rav...1.9%.

Why Not the 2010 Toyota RAV4?

Materials & workmanship

Hard, very cheap plastics all over the interior. Creaks, rattles, squeaks and groans are plentiful in the interior. Road noise can be invasive at times. Very disappointing in a near 40k SUV.


Creaks, rattles, squeaks and groans are plentiful in the interior. Road noise can be invasive at times.

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