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BMW 3-Series vs. Mercedes-Benz CLS MPG

The graph does not display if there are fewer than five results.
Chart is based on 1693 fuel economy reports for the BMW 3-Series and 4 fuel economy reports for the Mercedes-Benz CLS.

BMW 3-Series MPG

BMW 3-Series BMW 3-Series 2021 34.0 MPG Highway Percentage 99 percent BMW 3-Series BMW 3-Series 2020 24.9 MPG Highway Percentage 45 percent BMW 3-Series BMW 3-Series 2016 27.6 MPG Highway Percentage 22 percent BMW 3-Series BMW 3-Series 2016 58.8 MPG Highway Percentage 85 percent BMW 3-Series BMW 3-Series 2015 24.3 MPG Highway Percentage 15 percent BMW 3-Series BMW 3-Series 2015 29.0 MPG Highway Percentage 20 percent BMW 3-Series BMW 3-Series 2014 22.1 MPG Highway Percentage 10 percent BMW 3-Series BMW 3-Series 2014 25.9 MPG Highway Percentage 4 percent BMW 3-Series BMW 3-Series 2014 30.3 MPG Highway Percentage 62 percent BMW 3-Series BMW 3-Series 2014 42.5 MPG Highway Percentage 57 percent BMW 3-Series BMW 3-Series 2013 24.9 MPG Highway Percentage 30 percent BMW 3-Series BMW 3-Series 2013 25.0 MPG Highway Percentage 7 percent BMW 3-Series BMW 3-Series 2013 23.6 MPG Highway Percentage 83 percent BMW 3-Series BMW 3-Series 2012 26.0 MPG Highway Percentage 74 percent BMW 3-Series BMW 3-Series 2011 23.3 MPG Highway Percentage 35 percent BMW 3-Series BMW 3-Series 2011 17.9 MPG Highway Percentage 25 percent BMW 3-Series BMW 3-Series 2011 29.8 MPG Highway Percentage 69 percent BMW 3-Series BMW 3-Series 2011 17.1 MPG Highway Percentage 60 percent BMW 3-Series BMW 3-Series 2011 26.0 MPG Highway Percentage 33 percent BMW 3-Series BMW 3-Series 2011 23.0 MPG Highway Percentage 60 percent BMW 3-Series BMW 3-Series 2011 20.9 MPG Highway Percentage 80 percent BMW 3-Series BMW 3-Series 2011 23.0 MPG Highway Percentage 40 percent BMW 3-Series BMW 3-Series 2011 15.9 MPG Highway Percentage 0 percent BMW 3-Series BMW 3-Series 2011 25.6 MPG Highway Percentage 37 percent BMW 3-Series BMW 3-Series 2011 15.9 MPG Highway Percentage 33 percent BMW 3-Series BMW 3-Series 2011 17.2 MPG Highway Percentage 65 percent BMW 3-Series BMW 3-Series 2011 22.0 MPG Highway Percentage 10 percent BMW 3-Series BMW 3-Series 2011 25.2 MPG Highway Percentage 86 percent BMW 3-Series BMW 3-Series 2010 22.4 MPG Highway Percentage 5 percent BMW 3-Series BMW 3-Series 2010 32.2 MPG Highway Percentage 55 percent BMW 3-Series BMW 3-Series 2010 23.8 MPG Highway Percentage 38 percent BMW 3-Series BMW 3-Series 2010 19.8 MPG Highway Percentage 25 percent BMW 3-Series BMW 3-Series 2010 23.7 MPG Highway Percentage 41 percent BMW 3-Series BMW 3-Series 2010 18.9 MPG Highway Percentage 0 percent BMW 3-Series BMW 3-Series 2010 20.4 MPG Highway Percentage 80 percent BMW 3-Series BMW 3-Series 2010 18.0 MPG Highway Percentage 10 percent BMW 3-Series BMW 3-Series 2010 16.4 MPG Highway Percentage 5 percent BMW 3-Series BMW 3-Series 2010 29.0 MPG Highway Percentage 70 percent BMW 3-Series BMW 3-Series 2009 22.0 MPG Highway Percentage 46 percent BMW 3-Series BMW 3-Series 2009 20.0 MPG Highway Percentage 20 percent BMW 3-Series BMW 3-Series 2009 25.5 MPG Highway Percentage 75 percent BMW 3-Series BMW 3-Series 2009 26.2 MPG Highway Percentage 100 percent BMW 3-Series BMW 3-Series 2009 30.3 MPG Highway Percentage 59 percent BMW 3-Series BMW 3-Series 2009 35.6 MPG Highway Percentage 80 percent BMW 3-Series BMW 3-Series 2009 18.8 MPG Highway Percentage 64 percent BMW 3-Series BMW 3-Series 2009 23.5 MPG Highway Percentage 47 percent BMW 3-Series BMW 3-Series 2009 23.3 MPG Highway Percentage 58 percent BMW 3-Series BMW 3-Series 2009 28.1 MPG Highway Percentage 80 percent BMW 3-Series BMW 3-Series 2009 20.9 MPG Highway Percentage 70 percent BMW 3-Series BMW 3-Series 2009 22.7 MPG Highway Percentage 50 percent BMW 3-Series BMW 3-Series 2009 21.8 MPG Highway Percentage 100 percent BMW 3-Series BMW 3-Series 2009 12.8 MPG Highway Percentage 25 percent BMW 3-Series BMW 3-Series 2009 19.0 MPG Highway Percentage 10 percent BMW 3-Series BMW 3-Series 2009 24.3 MPG Highway Percentage 80 percent BMW 3-Series BMW 3-Series 2009 22.0 MPG Highway Percentage 43 percent BMW 3-Series BMW 3-Series 2009 15.6 MPG Highway Percentage 52 percent BMW 3-Series BMW 3-Series 2008 21.3 MPG Highway Percentage 39 percent BMW 3-Series BMW 3-Series 2008 24.3 MPG Highway Percentage 70 percent BMW 3-Series BMW 3-Series 2008 22.6 MPG Highway Percentage 44 percent BMW 3-Series BMW 3-Series 2008 23.3 MPG Highway Percentage 100 percent BMW 3-Series BMW 3-Series 2008 14.5 MPG Highway Percentage 25 percent BMW 3-Series BMW 3-Series 2008 16.9 MPG Highway Percentage 23 percent BMW 3-Series BMW 3-Series 2008 23.8 MPG Highway Percentage 46 percent BMW 3-Series BMW 3-Series 2008 20.2 MPG Highway Percentage 50 percent BMW 3-Series BMW 3-Series 2008 23.8 MPG Highway Percentage 30 percent BMW 3-Series BMW 3-Series 2008 21.0 MPG Highway Percentage 25 percent BMW 3-Series BMW 3-Series 2008 18.9 MPG Highway Percentage 45 percent BMW 3-Series BMW 3-Series 2008 16.9 MPG Highway Percentage 42 percent BMW 3-Series BMW 3-Series 2008 23.2 MPG Highway Percentage 45 percent BMW 3-Series BMW 3-Series 2008 24.2 MPG Highway Percentage 63 percent BMW 3-Series BMW 3-Series 2008 23.7 MPG Highway Percentage 40 percent BMW 3-Series BMW 3-Series 2008 20.0 MPG Highway Percentage 34 percent BMW 3-Series BMW 3-Series 2008 15.8 MPG Highway Percentage 46 percent BMW 3-Series BMW 3-Series 2008 16.6 MPG Highway Percentage 59 percent BMW 3-Series BMW 3-Series 2008 22.3 MPG Highway Percentage 40 percent BMW 3-Series BMW 3-Series 2008 21.7 MPG Highway Percentage 54 percent BMW 3-Series BMW 3-Series 2007 25.5 MPG Highway Percentage 40 percent BMW 3-Series BMW 3-Series 2007 19.4 MPG Highway Percentage 18 percent BMW 3-Series BMW 3-Series 2007 21.1 MPG Highway Percentage 22 percent BMW 3-Series BMW 3-Series 2007 23.9 MPG Highway Percentage 42 percent BMW 3-Series BMW 3-Series 2007 21.3 MPG Highway Percentage 25 percent BMW 3-Series BMW 3-Series 2007 21.3 MPG Highway Percentage 32 percent BMW 3-Series BMW 3-Series 2007 26.5 MPG Highway Percentage 95 percent BMW 3-Series BMW 3-Series 2007 25.0 MPG Highway Percentage 50 percent BMW 3-Series BMW 3-Series 2007 22.8 MPG Highway Percentage 31 percent BMW 3-Series BMW 3-Series 2007 24.1 MPG Highway Percentage 50 percent BMW 3-Series BMW 3-Series 2007 26.2 MPG Highway Percentage 77 percent BMW 3-Series BMW 3-Series 2007 19.9 MPG Highway Percentage 43 percent BMW 3-Series BMW 3-Series 2007 21.0 MPG Highway Percentage 20 percent BMW 3-Series BMW 3-Series 2007 22.7 MPG Highway Percentage 30 percent BMW 3-Series BMW 3-Series 2007 25.8 MPG Highway Percentage 20 percent BMW 3-Series BMW 3-Series 2007 24.4 MPG Highway Percentage 35 percent BMW 3-Series BMW 3-Series 2007 24.5 MPG Highway Percentage 47 percent BMW 3-Series BMW 3-Series 2007 24.7 MPG Highway Percentage 64 percent BMW 3-Series BMW 3-Series 2007 22.2 MPG Highway Percentage 68 percent BMW 3-Series BMW 3-Series 2007 22.4 MPG Highway Percentage 37 percent BMW 3-Series BMW 3-Series 2007 20.6 MPG Highway Percentage 50 percent BMW 3-Series BMW 3-Series 2006 24.3 MPG Highway Percentage 55 percent BMW 3-Series BMW 3-Series 2006 22.7 MPG Highway Percentage 35 percent BMW 3-Series BMW 3-Series 2006 24.2 MPG Highway Percentage 34 percent BMW 3-Series BMW 3-Series 2006 26.3 MPG Highway Percentage 82 percent BMW 3-Series BMW 3-Series 2006 25.3 MPG Highway Percentage 48 percent BMW 3-Series BMW 3-Series 2006 24.1 MPG Highway Percentage 37 percent BMW 3-Series BMW 3-Series 2006 25.2 MPG Highway Percentage 28 percent BMW 3-Series BMW 3-Series 2006 17.4 MPG Highway Percentage 28 percent BMW 3-Series BMW 3-Series 2006 20.5 MPG Highway Percentage 60 percent BMW 3-Series BMW 3-Series 2006 29.1 MPG Highway Percentage 41 percent BMW 3-Series BMW 3-Series 2006 21.0 MPG Highway Percentage 15 percent BMW 3-Series BMW 3-Series 2006 22.4 MPG Highway Percentage 40 percent BMW 3-Series BMW 3-Series 2006 29.0 MPG Highway Percentage 30 percent BMW 3-Series BMW 3-Series 2006 24.0 MPG Highway Percentage 70 percent BMW 3-Series BMW 3-Series 2006 20.3 MPG Highway Percentage 10 percent BMW 3-Series BMW 3-Series 2006 24.0 MPG Highway Percentage 20 percent BMW 3-Series BMW 3-Series 2005 24.0 MPG Highway Percentage 56 percent BMW 3-Series BMW 3-Series 2005 24.9 MPG Highway Percentage 50 percent BMW 3-Series BMW 3-Series 2005 28.4 MPG Highway Percentage 67 percent BMW 3-Series BMW 3-Series 2005 26.5 MPG Highway Percentage 55 percent BMW 3-Series BMW 3-Series 2005 20.9 MPG Highway Percentage 33 percent BMW 3-Series BMW 3-Series 2005 31.0 MPG Highway Percentage 100 percent BMW 3-Series BMW 3-Series 2005 28.1 MPG Highway Percentage 80 percent BMW 3-Series BMW 3-Series 2005 20.7 MPG Highway Percentage 41 percent BMW 3-Series BMW 3-Series 2005 24.8 MPG Highway Percentage 60 percent BMW 3-Series BMW 3-Series 2005 22.9 MPG Highway Percentage 14 percent BMW 3-Series BMW 3-Series 2005 31.1 MPG Highway Percentage 85 percent BMW 3-Series BMW 3-Series 2005 20.8 MPG Highway Percentage 20 percent BMW 3-Series BMW 3-Series 2005 29.2 MPG Highway Percentage 100 percent BMW 3-Series BMW 3-Series 2005 20.0 MPG Highway Percentage 67 percent BMW 3-Series BMW 3-Series 2005 22.6 MPG Highway Percentage 50 percent BMW 3-Series BMW 3-Series 2005 24.6 MPG Highway Percentage 23 percent BMW 3-Series BMW 3-Series 2004 21.0 MPG Highway Percentage 32 percent BMW 3-Series BMW 3-Series 2004 23.5 MPG Highway Percentage 32 percent BMW 3-Series BMW 3-Series 2004 27.7 MPG Highway Percentage 61 percent BMW 3-Series BMW 3-Series 2004 22.3 MPG Highway Percentage 38 percent BMW 3-Series BMW 3-Series 2004 26.9 MPG Highway Percentage 64 percent BMW 3-Series BMW 3-Series 2004 17.5 MPG Highway Percentage 20 percent BMW 3-Series BMW 3-Series 2004 23.1 MPG Highway Percentage 30 percent BMW 3-Series BMW 3-Series 2004 22.2 MPG Highway Percentage 31 percent BMW 3-Series BMW 3-Series 2004 22.0 MPG Highway Percentage 20 percent BMW 3-Series BMW 3-Series 2004 25.8 MPG Highway Percentage 75 percent BMW 3-Series BMW 3-Series 2004 22.8 MPG Highway Percentage 56 percent BMW 3-Series BMW 3-Series 2004 19.9 MPG Highway Percentage 58 percent BMW 3-Series BMW 3-Series 2004 23.9 MPG Highway Percentage 68 percent BMW 3-Series BMW 3-Series 2004 20.8 MPG Highway Percentage 45 percent BMW 3-Series BMW 3-Series 2004 26.1 MPG Highway Percentage 38 percent BMW 3-Series BMW 3-Series 2004 23.7 MPG Highway Percentage 50 percent BMW 3-Series BMW 3-Series 2004 20.9 MPG Highway Percentage 53 percent BMW 3-Series BMW 3-Series 2004 23.0 MPG Highway Percentage 30 percent BMW 3-Series BMW 3-Series 2004 19.8 MPG Highway Percentage 60 percent BMW 3-Series BMW 3-Series 2003.5 22.7 MPG Highway Percentage 60 percent BMW 3-Series BMW 3-Series 2003.5 20.1 MPG Highway Percentage 57 percent BMW 3-Series BMW 3-Series 2003 23.6 MPG Highway Percentage 35 percent BMW 3-Series BMW 3-Series 2003 24.5 MPG Highway Percentage 49 percent BMW 3-Series BMW 3-Series 2003 23.8 MPG Highway Percentage 36 percent BMW 3-Series BMW 3-Series 2003 22.6 MPG Highway Percentage 26 percent BMW 3-Series BMW 3-Series 2003 23.3 MPG Highway Percentage 60 percent BMW 3-Series BMW 3-Series 2003 22.4 MPG Highway Percentage 60 percent BMW 3-Series BMW 3-Series 2003 22.6 MPG Highway Percentage 33 percent BMW 3-Series BMW 3-Series 2003 22.1 MPG Highway Percentage 43 percent BMW 3-Series BMW 3-Series 2003 27.0 MPG Highway Percentage 70 percent BMW 3-Series BMW 3-Series 2003 24.2 MPG Highway Percentage 70 percent BMW 3-Series BMW 3-Series 2003 23.4 MPG Highway Percentage 40 percent BMW 3-Series BMW 3-Series 2003 20.3 MPG Highway Percentage 50 percent BMW 3-Series BMW 3-Series 2003 22.0 MPG Highway Percentage 5 percent BMW 3-Series BMW 3-Series 2002 19.7 MPG Highway Percentage 65 percent BMW 3-Series BMW 3-Series 2002 23.5 MPG Highway Percentage 42 percent BMW 3-Series BMW 3-Series 2002 24.0 MPG Highway Percentage 45 percent BMW 3-Series BMW 3-Series 2002 26.3 MPG Highway Percentage 47 percent BMW 3-Series BMW 3-Series 2002 23.2 MPG Highway Percentage 20 percent BMW 3-Series BMW 3-Series 2002 23.8 MPG Highway Percentage 44 percent BMW 3-Series BMW 3-Series 2002 22.7 MPG Highway Percentage 67 percent BMW 3-Series BMW 3-Series 2002 32.1 MPG Highway Percentage 100 percent BMW 3-Series BMW 3-Series 2002 24.0 MPG Highway Percentage 45 percent BMW 3-Series BMW 3-Series 2002 18.4 MPG Highway Percentage 50 percent BMW 3-Series BMW 3-Series 2002 26.3 MPG Highway Percentage 58 percent BMW 3-Series BMW 3-Series 2002 26.4 MPG Highway Percentage 68 percent BMW 3-Series BMW 3-Series 2002 27.1 MPG Highway Percentage 90 percent BMW 3-Series BMW 3-Series 2002 23.0 MPG Highway Percentage 65 percent BMW 3-Series BMW 3-Series 2002 20.8 MPG Highway Percentage 60 percent BMW 3-Series BMW 3-Series 2002 27.2 MPG Highway Percentage 63 percent BMW 3-Series BMW 3-Series 2001 22.6 MPG Highway Percentage 30 percent BMW 3-Series BMW 3-Series 2001 22.7 MPG Highway Percentage 20 percent BMW 3-Series BMW 3-Series 2001 26.2 MPG Highway Percentage 95 percent BMW 3-Series BMW 3-Series 2001 28.7 MPG Highway Percentage 88 percent BMW 3-Series BMW 3-Series 2001 26.4 MPG Highway Percentage 50 percent BMW 3-Series BMW 3-Series 2001 25.5 MPG Highway Percentage 92 percent BMW 3-Series BMW 3-Series 2001 26.9 MPG Highway Percentage 56 percent BMW 3-Series BMW 3-Series 2001 19.2 MPG Highway Percentage 30 percent BMW 3-Series BMW 3-Series 2000 24.8 MPG Highway Percentage 20 percent BMW 3-Series BMW 3-Series 2000 23.0 MPG Highway Percentage 25 percent BMW 3-Series BMW 3-Series 2000 25.0 MPG Highway Percentage 24 percent BMW 3-Series BMW 3-Series 2000 23.0 MPG Highway Percentage 20 percent BMW 3-Series BMW 3-Series 2000 20.3 MPG Highway Percentage 50 percent BMW 3-Series BMW 3-Series 2000 23.0 MPG Highway Percentage 70 percent BMW 3-Series BMW 3-Series 1999.5 20.7 MPG Highway Percentage 10 percent
Year Body/Powertrain flat, hilly, or mountainousLand driving style: very light to "lead foot"Foot A/C use: none to heavyA/C constant stop and goTraf % many stops per mileCity % stop every mile or twoSub % fairly steady speedHwy % Hwy Spd MPG
2021 4dr Sedan turbocharged 255hp 2.0L I4
8-speed shiftable automatic AWD
flat med hvy 0 0 1 99 70 34.0  
2020 4dr Sedan turbocharged 382hp 3.0L I6
8-speed shiftable automatic AWD
flat med none 0 1 55 45 74 24.9  
2016 4dr Sedan turbocharged 320hp 3.0L I6
8-speed shiftable automatic RWD
flat lead none 17 61 0 22 60 27.6  
2016 4dr Sedan turbocharged 320hp 3.0L I6
8-speed shiftable automatic AWD
flat med light 0 15 0 85 80 58.8  
2015 4dr Wagon turbocharged 240hp 2.0L I4
8-speed shiftable automatic AWD
flat light none 0 25 60 15 70 24.3  
2015 4dr Sedan turbocharged 240hp 2.0L I4
8-speed shiftable automatic AWD
flat med none 0 30 50 20 80 29.0  
2014 4dr Wagon turbocharged 240hp 2.0L I4
8-speed shiftable automatic AWD
flat light light 40 40 10 10 65 22.1  
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2014 4dr Sedan turbocharged 240hp 2.0L I4
8-speed shiftable automatic AWD
flat med light 0 9 87 4 75 25.9  
2014 4dr Sedan turbocharged 240hp 2.0L I4
6-speed manual RWD
flat med light 0 2 36 62 77 30.3  
2014 4dr Sedan turbocharged 180hp 2.0L I4 Diesel
8-speed shiftable automatic RWD
flat light light 0 16 27 57 63 42.5  
2013 4dr Sedan turbocharged 300hp 3.0L I6
8-speed shiftable automatic RWD
flat med hvy 40 20 10 30 90 24.9  
2013 4dr Sedan turbocharged 240hp 2.0L I4
8-speed shiftable automatic RWD
flat light none 10 63 20 7 65 25.0  
2013 4dr Sedan turbocharged 240hp 2.0L I4
8-speed shiftable automatic AWD
flat med none 0 5 13 83 95 23.6  
2012 2dr Coupe turbocharged 300hp 3.0L I6
6-speed manual AWD
flat med light 4 10 12 74 118 26.0  
2011 4dr Sedan turbocharged 300hp 3.0L I6
6-speed shiftable automatic RWD
hills lead none 10 35 20 35 95 23.3  
2011 4dr Sedan turbocharged 300hp 3.0L I6
6-speed manual RWD
flat lead none 10 15 50 25 75 17.9  
2011 4dr Sedan turbocharged 265hp 3.0L I6 Diesel
6-speed shiftable automatic RWD
flat med light 2 8 21 69 75 29.8  
2011 4dr Sedan 414-horsepower 4.0L V8
7-speed automated manual RWD
flat light none 5 15 20 60 70 17.1  
2011 4dr Sedan 230-horsepower 3.0L I6
6-speed shiftable automatic RWD
flat light hvy 22 22 23 33 60 26.0  
2011 4dr Sedan 230-horsepower 3.0L I6
6-speed manual RWD
flat med light 0 10 30 60 75 23.0  
2011 4dr Sedan 230-horsepower 3.0L I6
6-speed manual AWD
flat med light 0 0 20 80 75 20.9  
2011 2dr Coupe turbocharged 300hp 3.0L I6
6-speed shiftable automatic RWD
flat med light 20 20 20 40 60 23.0  
2011 2dr Coupe turbocharged 300hp 3.0L I6
6-speed shiftable automatic AWD
hills med light 3 78 20 0 N/A 15.9  
2011 2dr Coupe turbocharged 300hp 3.0L I6
6-speed manual RWD
flat med light 16 13 34 37 70 25.6  
2011 2dr Coupe 414-horsepower 4.0L V8
7-speed automated manual RWD
flat med light 7 40 20 33 93 15.9  
2011 2dr Coupe 414-horsepower 4.0L V8
6-speed manual RWD
flat med hvy 0 0 35 65 75 17.2  
2011 2dr Coupe 230-horsepower 3.0L I6
6-speed shiftable automatic RWD
flat light light 0 60 30 10 60 22.0  
2011 2dr Coupe 230-horsepower 3.0L I6
6-speed manual AWD
flat med light 3 3 8 86 75 25.2  
2010 4dr Sedan turbocharged 300hp 3.0L I6
6-speed manual RWD
flat med none 5 20 70 5 70 22.4  
2010 4dr Sedan turbocharged 265hp 3.0L I6 Diesel
6-speed shiftable automatic RWD
flat med hvy 0 28 18 55 73 32.2  
2010 4dr Sedan 230-horsepower 3.0L I6
6-speed shiftable automatic RWD
flat light none 3 20 40 38 73 23.8  
2010 4dr Sedan 230-horsepower 3.0L I6
6-speed shiftable automatic AWD
flat med hvy 25 25 25 25 70 19.8  
2010 4dr Sedan 230-horsepower 3.0L I6
6-speed manual AWD
hills med none 19 21 19 41 80 23.7  
2010 2dr Hardtop conv. turbocharged 300hp 3.0L I6
6-speed shiftable automatic RWD
flat lead none 10 60 30 0 N/A 18.9  
2010 2dr Hardtop conv. 230-horsepower 3.0L I6
6-speed shiftable automatic RWD
flat med hvy 5 15 0 80 75 20.4  
2010 2dr Coupe turbocharged 300hp 3.0L I6
6-speed shiftable automatic RWD
flat med none 0 70 20 10 65 18.0  
2010 2dr Coupe turbocharged 300hp 3.0L I6
6-speed manual RWD
flat med none 50 30 15 5 60 16.4  
2010 2dr Coupe 230-horsepower 3.0L I6
6-speed manual RWD
flat light none 5 10 15 70 65 29.0  
2009 4dr Sedan turbocharged 300hp 3.0L I6
6-speed shiftable automatic RWD
flat med light 14 13 28 46 72 22.0  
2009 4dr Sedan turbocharged 300hp 3.0L I6
6-speed shiftable automatic AWD
flat v.lt none 10 30 40 20 70 20.0  
2009 4dr Sedan turbocharged 300hp 3.0L I6
6-speed manual RWD
flat med none 0 25 0 75 75 25.5  
2009 4dr Sedan turbocharged 300hp 3.0L I6
6-speed manual AWD
flat light light 0 0 0 100 70 26.2  
2009 4dr Sedan turbocharged 265hp 3.0L I6 Diesel
6-speed shiftable automatic RWD
hills med none 17 20 4 59 65 30.3  
2009 4dr Sedan turbocharged 241hp 3.0L I6 Diesel
6-speed shiftable automatic AWD
flat light none 0 10 10 80 90 35.6  
2009 4dr Sedan 414-horsepower 4.0L V8
6-speed manual RWD
flat light light 10 10 15 64 73 18.8  
2009 4dr Sedan 230-horsepower 3.0L I6
6-speed shiftable automatic RWD
flat med light 15 18 21 47 85 23.5  
2009 4dr Sedan 230-horsepower 3.0L I6
6-speed shiftable automatic AWD
flat light light 22 10 10 58 83 23.3  
2009 4dr Sedan 230-horsepower 3.0L I6
6-speed manual RWD
flat light light 0 15 5 80 90 28.1  
2009 4dr Sedan 230-horsepower 3.0L I6
6-speed manual AWD
hills light none 0 30 0 70 80 20.9  
2009 2dr Hardtop conv. turbocharged 300hp 3.0L I6
6-speed shiftable automatic RWD
flat med light 13 11 27 50 72 22.7  
2009 2dr Hardtop conv. 414-horsepower 4.0L V8
7-speed automated manual RWD
flat light none 0 0 0 100 75 21.8  
2009 2dr Hardtop conv. 414-horsepower 4.0L V8
6-speed manual RWD
flat lead hvy 0 25 50 25 80 12.8  
2009 2dr Coupe turbocharged 300hp 3.0L I6
6-speed shiftable automatic RWD
flat med hvy 40 35 15 10 75 19.0  
2009 2dr Coupe turbocharged 300hp 3.0L I6
6-speed shiftable automatic AWD
flat lead none 5 5 10 80 75 24.3  
2009 2dr Coupe turbocharged 300hp 3.0L I6
6-speed manual RWD
flat med light 8 33 16 43 73 22.0  
2009 2dr Coupe 414-horsepower 4.0L V8
7-speed automated manual RWD
flat med light 2 22 24 52 62 15.6  
2008 4dr Sedan turbocharged 300hp 3.0L I6
6-speed shiftable automatic RWD
flat med light 8 23 30 39 73 21.3  
2008 4dr Sedan turbocharged 300hp 3.0L I6
6-speed shiftable automatic AWD
flat med light 10 8 13 70 68 24.3  
2008 4dr Sedan turbocharged 300hp 3.0L I6
6-speed manual RWD
flat med light 23 16 17 44 74 22.6  
2008 4dr Sedan turbocharged 300hp 3.0L I6
6-speed manual AWD
flat med none 0 0 0 100 130 23.3  
2008 4dr Sedan 414-horsepower 4.0L V8
7-speed automated manual RWD
flat med light 5 30 40 25 80 14.5  
2008 4dr Sedan 414-horsepower 4.0L V8
6-speed manual RWD
flat med light 7 40 31 23 71 16.9  
2008 4dr Sedan 230-horsepower 3.0L I6
6-speed shiftable automatic RWD
flat med light 9 26 20 46 80 23.8  
2008 4dr Sedan 230-horsepower 3.0L I6
6-speed shiftable automatic AWD
flat med light 3 33 15 50 85 20.2  
2008 4dr Sedan 230-horsepower 3.0L I6
6-speed manual RWD
hills lead light 6 20 44 30 80 23.8  
2008 4dr Sedan 230-horsepower 3.0L I6
6-speed manual AWD
flat light light 25 25 25 25 100 21.0  
2008 2dr Hardtop conv. turbocharged 300hp 3.0L I6
6-speed shiftable automatic RWD
hills med hvy 5 25 25 45 60 18.9  
2008 2dr Hardtop conv. 414-horsepower 4.0L V8
6-speed manual RWD
flat med hvy 42 8 8 42 70 16.9  
2008 2dr Coupe turbocharged 300hp 3.0L I6
6-speed shiftable automatic RWD
flat light none 5 20 30 45 80 23.2  
2008 2dr Coupe turbocharged 300hp 3.0L I6
6-speed shiftable automatic AWD
hills med light 3 10 23 63 63 24.2  
2008 2dr Coupe turbocharged 300hp 3.0L I6
6-speed manual RWD
flat med hvy 15 20 25 40 70 23.7  
2008 2dr Coupe turbocharged 300hp 3.0L I6
6-speed manual AWD
flat med light 28 15 25 34 73 20.0  
2008 2dr Coupe 414-horsepower 4.0L V8
7-speed automated manual RWD
flat med light 11 35 8 46 83 15.8  
2008 2dr Coupe 414-horsepower 4.0L V8
6-speed manual RWD
flat med light 12 19 10 59 69 16.6  
2008 2dr Coupe 230-horsepower 3.0L I6
6-speed shiftable automatic RWD
flat med light 10 12 38 40 70 22.3  
2008 2dr Coupe 230-horsepower 3.0L I6
6-speed manual RWD
hills med light 1 2 43 54 72 21.7  
2007 4dr Wagon 230-horsepower 3.0L I6
6-speed shiftable automatic RWD
hills med light 10 15 35 40 70 25.5  
2007 4dr Wagon 230-horsepower 3.0L I6
6-speed manual RWD
flat med hvy 2 60 20 18 75 19.4  
2007 4dr Wagon 230-horsepower 3.0L I6
6-speed manual AWD
flat light light 20 20 38 22 70 21.1  
2007 4dr Sedan turbocharged 300hp 3.0L I6
6-speed shiftable automatic RWD
flat light light 9 23 25 42 89 23.9  
2007 4dr Sedan turbocharged 300hp 3.0L I6
6-speed shiftable automatic AWD
hills med none 17 11 47 25 73 21.3  
2007 4dr Sedan turbocharged 300hp 3.0L I6
6-speed manual RWD
flat med light 12 12 44 32 70 21.3  
2007 4dr Sedan turbocharged 300hp 3.0L I6
6-speed manual AWD
flat light none 0 0 5 95 75 26.5  
2007 4dr Sedan 230-horsepower 3.0L I6
6-speed shiftable automatic RWD
flat med light 5 21 24 50 68 25.0  
2007 4dr Sedan 230-horsepower 3.0L I6
6-speed shiftable automatic AWD
flat med light 21 18 30 31 73 22.8  
2007 4dr Sedan 230-horsepower 3.0L I6
6-speed manual RWD
flat med none 6 23 22 50 78 24.1  
2007 4dr Sedan 230-horsepower 3.0L I6
6-speed manual AWD
flat med light 0 8 15 77 72 26.2  
2007 2dr Hardtop conv. turbocharged 300hp 3.0L I6
6-speed shiftable automatic RWD
hills med light 0 22 35 43 80 19.9  
2007 2dr Hardtop conv. turbocharged 300hp 3.0L I6
6-speed manual RWD
flat med none 10 30 40 20 85 21.0  
2007 2dr Hardtop conv. 230-horsepower 3.0L I6
6-speed shiftable automatic RWD
flat lead hvy 40 25 5 30 60 22.7  
2007 2dr Hardtop conv. 230-horsepower 3.0L I6
6-speed manual RWD
flat med none 0 0 80 20 90 25.8  
2007 2dr Coupe turbocharged 300hp 3.0L I6
6-speed shiftable automatic RWD
flat med light 16 14 36 35 74 24.4  
2007 2dr Coupe turbocharged 300hp 3.0L I6
6-speed manual RWD
flat med light 15 24 13 47 77 24.5  
2007 2dr Coupe 230-horsepower 3.0L I6
6-speed shiftable automatic RWD
flat med light 17 10 8 64 74 24.7  
2007 2dr Coupe 230-horsepower 3.0L I6
6-speed shiftable automatic AWD
hills med none 5 6 21 68 72 22.2  
2007 2dr Coupe 230-horsepower 3.0L I6
6-speed manual RWD
flat med light 14 23 26 37 75 22.4  
2007 2dr Coupe 230-horsepower 3.0L I6
6-speed manual AWD
flat lead none 0 0 50 50 80 20.6  
2006 4dr Sedan 255-horsepower 3.0L I6
6-speed shiftable automatic RWD
flat med light 5 17 23 55 82 24.3  
2006 4dr Sedan 255-horsepower 3.0L I6
6-speed shiftable automatic AWD
flat light light 24 21 20 35 69 22.7  
2006 4dr Sedan 255-horsepower 3.0L I6
6-speed manual RWD
flat med light 10 35 21 34 82 24.2  
2006 4dr Sedan 255-horsepower 3.0L I6
6-speed manual AWD
hills light none 2 4 12 82 76 26.3  
2006 4dr Sedan 215-horsepower 3.0L I6
6-speed shiftable automatic RWD
flat med light 10 23 19 48 75 25.3  
2006 4dr Sedan 215-horsepower 3.0L I6
6-speed shiftable automatic AWD
hills med light 16 17 30 37 80 24.1  
2006 4dr Sedan 215-horsepower 3.0L I6
6-speed manual RWD
flat med light 16 24 32 28 78 25.2  
2006 2dr Coupe 333-horsepower 3.2L I6
6-speed manual RWD
flat med light 18 32 22 28 72 17.4  
2006 2dr Coupe 333-horsepower 3.2L I6
6-speed automated manual RWD
flat light light 30 5 5 60 60 20.5  
2006 2dr Coupe 255-horsepower 3.0L I6
6-speed manual RWD
hills lead light 22 17 20 41 85 29.1  
2006 2dr Coupe 235-horsepower 3.0L I6
6-speed manual RWD
flat med hvy 5 50 30 15 60 21.0  
2006 2dr Coupe 235-horsepower 3.0L I6
5-speed shiftable automatic RWD
flat med none 5 35 20 40 80 22.4  
2006 2dr Coupe 225-horsepower 3.0L I6
6-speed manual RWD
hills med light 10 20 40 30 70 29.0  
2006 2dr Convertible 333-horsepower 3.2L I6
6-speed automated manual RWD
flat light light 10 10 10 70 70 24.0  
2006 2dr Convertible 225-horsepower 3.0L I6
5-speed shiftable automatic RWD
flat med none 0 70 20 10 70 20.3  
2006 2dr Convertible 184-horsepower 2.5L I6
5-speed manual RWD
flat lead light 25 25 30 20 70 24.0  
2005 4dr Wagon 184-horsepower 2.5L I6
5-speed shiftable automatic RWD
flat light hvy 0 11 33 56 60 24.0  
2005 4dr Wagon 184-horsepower 2.5L I6
5-speed manual RWD
flat med none 5 15 30 50 75 24.9  
2005 4dr Sedan 235-horsepower 3.0L I6
6-speed manual RWD
flat med none 2 9 21 67 81 28.4  
2005 4dr Sedan 184-horsepower 2.5L I6
5-speed shiftable automatic RWD
flat light none 6 20 20 55 69 26.5  
2005 4dr Sedan 184-horsepower 2.5L I6
5-speed shiftable automatic AWD
flat med light 3 5 58 33 63 20.9  
2005 4dr Sedan 184-horsepower 2.5L I6
5-speed manual RWD
flat light none 0 0 0 100 70 31.0  
2005 4dr Sedan 184-horsepower 2.5L I6
5-speed manual AWD
flat light light 20 0 0 80 75 28.1  
2005 2dr Coupe 333-horsepower 3.2L I6
6-speed manual RWD
flat med light 7 22 30 41 70 20.7  
2005 2dr Coupe 333-horsepower 3.2L I6
6-speed automated manual RWD
flat med light 10 10 20 60 60 24.8  
2005 2dr Coupe 235-horsepower 3.0L I6
5-speed shiftable automatic RWD
flat med hvy 22 52 14 14 80 22.9  
2005 2dr Coupe 225-horsepower 3.0L I6
6-speed manual RWD
mtns med light 3 5 8 85 65 31.1  
2005 2dr Coupe 225-horsepower 3.0L I6
6-speed automated manual RWD
flat med hvy 30 35 15 20 75 20.8  
2005 2dr Coupe 184-horsepower 2.5L I6
5-speed manual RWD
flat med light 0 0 0 100 70 29.2  
2005 2dr Convertible 333-horsepower 3.2L I6
6-speed automated manual RWD
flat med light 0 11 22 67 80 20.0  
2005 2dr Convertible 225-horsepower 3.0L I6
5-speed shiftable automatic RWD
flat med light 0 50 0 50 65 22.6  
2005 2dr Convertible 184-horsepower 2.5L I6
5-speed manual RWD
flat med none 2 10 65 23 70 24.6  
2004 4dr Wagon 184-horsepower 2.5L I6
5-speed shiftable automatic AWD
flat lead none 15 18 35 32 98 21.0  
2004 4dr Wagon 184-horsepower 2.5L I6
5-speed manual RWD
flat med none 0 3 64 32 68 23.5  
2004 4dr Sedan 235-horsepower 3.0L I6
6-speed manual RWD
flat med none 7 10 23 61 79 27.7  
2004 4dr Sedan 235-horsepower 3.0L I6
5-speed shiftable automatic RWD
flat med hvy 0 3 60 38 65 22.3  
2004 4dr Sedan 225-horsepower 3.0L I6
6-speed automated manual RWD
flat med none 2 4 29 64 72 26.9  
2004 4dr Sedan 225-horsepower 3.0L I6
5-speed shiftable automatic AWD
flat med light 0 60 20 20 70 17.5  
2004 4dr Sedan 184-horsepower 2.5L I6
6-speed automated manual RWD
flat lead light 0 50 20 30 75 23.1  
2004 4dr Sedan 184-horsepower 2.5L I6
5-speed shiftable automatic RWD
flat med light 5 15 49 31 99 22.2  
2004 4dr Sedan 184-horsepower 2.5L I6
5-speed shiftable automatic AWD
flat med light 0 0 80 20 75 22.0  
2004 4dr Sedan 184-horsepower 2.5L I6
5-speed manual RWD
flat med none 1 5 20 75 68 25.8  
2004 2dr Coupe 333-horsepower 3.2L I6
6-speed manual RWD
flat med hvy 7 24 12 56 77 22.8  
2004 2dr Coupe 333-horsepower 3.2L I6
6-speed automated manual RWD
flat lead light 12 21 9 58 76 19.9  
2004 2dr Coupe 235-horsepower 3.0L I6
6-speed manual RWD
flat med light 8 11 14 68 71 23.9  
2004 2dr Coupe 235-horsepower 3.0L I6
5-speed shiftable automatic RWD
flat med light 10 15 30 45 60 20.8  
2004 2dr Coupe 225-horsepower 3.0L I6
6-speed manual RWD
hills med light 12 11 39 38 75 26.1  
2004 2dr Coupe 184-horsepower 2.5L I6
5-speed shiftable automatic RWD
flat lead light 20 10 20 50 70 23.7  
2004 2dr Convertible 333-horsepower 3.2L I6
6-speed automated manual RWD
flat med light 5 22 20 53 75 20.9  
2004 2dr Convertible 235-horsepower 3.0L I6
5-speed shiftable automatic RWD
flat light none 0 18 53 30 68 23.0  
2004 2dr Convertible 225-horsepower 3.0L I6
5-speed shiftable automatic AWD
flat med light 0 10 30 60 70 19.8  
2003.5 4dr Sedan 235-horsepower 3.0L I6
6-speed manual RWD
flat med none 5 25 10 60 70 22.7  
2003.5 2dr Convertible 333-horsepower 3.2L I6
6-speed automated manual RWD
flat lead none 0 29 14 57 70 20.1  
2003 4dr Wagon 225-horsepower 3.0L I6
5-speed shiftable automatic AWD
flat light light 10 10 45 35 65 23.6  
2003 4dr Wagon 184-horsepower 2.5L I6
5-speed shiftable automatic AWD
flat med light 20 13 18 49 69 24.5  
2003 4dr Wagon 184-horsepower 2.5L I6
5-speed manual AWD
flat light none 3 8 53 36 65 23.8  
2003 4dr Sedan 225-horsepower 3.0L I6
5-speed shiftable automatic RWD
flat med light 38 21 15 26 71 22.6  
2003 4dr Sedan 225-horsepower 3.0L I6
5-speed shiftable automatic AWD
flat med light 4 10 27 60 65 23.3  
2003 4dr Sedan 225-horsepower 3.0L I6
5-speed manual RWD
flat med none 10 15 15 60 75 22.4  
2003 4dr Sedan 184-horsepower 2.5L I6
5-speed shiftable automatic RWD
hills med light 6 39 22 33 69 22.6  
2003 4dr Sedan 184-horsepower 2.5L I6
5-speed shiftable automatic AWD
flat med light 0 0 58 43 73 22.1  
2003 4dr Sedan 184-horsepower 2.5L I6
5-speed manual RWD
flat med light 3 20 8 70 60 27.0  
2003 4dr Sedan 184-horsepower 2.5L I6
5-speed manual AWD
flat light none 10 20 0 70 110 24.2  
2003 2dr Coupe 333-horsepower 3.2L I6
6-speed manual RWD
flat med hvy 14 22 23 40 72 23.4  
2003 2dr Coupe 184-horsepower 2.5L I6
5-speed shiftable automatic RWD
flat light none 20 30 0 50 120 20.3  
2003 2dr Convertible 184-horsepower 2.5L I6
5-speed shiftable automatic AWD
flat v.lt hvy 0 95 0 5 75 22.0  
2002 4dr Wagon 184-horsepower 2.5L I6
5-speed shiftable automatic AWD
hills lead light 5 10 20 65 50 19.7  
2002 4dr Sedan 225-horsepower 3.0L I6
5-speed shiftable automatic RWD
hills med light 6 18 34 42 71 23.5  
2002 4dr Sedan 225-horsepower 3.0L I6
5-speed shiftable automatic AWD
hills med light 5 20 30 45 60 24.0  
2002 4dr Sedan 225-horsepower 3.0L I6
5-speed manual RWD
flat med light 8 12 33 47 71 26.3  
2002 4dr Sedan 225-horsepower 3.0L I6
5-speed manual AWD
flat med light 10 30 40 20 60 23.2  
2002 4dr Sedan 184-horsepower 2.5L I6
5-speed shiftable automatic RWD
flat med light 12 17 26 44 72 23.8  
2002 4dr Sedan 184-horsepower 2.5L I6
5-speed shiftable automatic AWD
hills light light 13 14 7 67 63 22.7  
2002 4dr Sedan 184-horsepower 2.5L I6
5-speed manual RWD
flat lead none 0 0 0 100 85 32.1  
2002 2dr Coupe 333-horsepower 3.2L I6
6-speed manual RWD
flat light light 5 25 25 45 75 24.0  
2002 2dr Coupe 333-horsepower 3.2L I6
6-speed automated manual RWD
flat lead light 5 5 40 50 120 18.4  
2002 2dr Coupe 225-horsepower 3.0L I6
5-speed manual RWD
flat med light 9 19 14 58 82 26.3  
2002 2dr Coupe 184-horsepower 2.5L I6
5-speed shiftable automatic RWD
flat med hvy 2 10 20 68 75 26.4  
2002 2dr Coupe 184-horsepower 2.5L I6
5-speed manual RWD
flat lead hvy 0 5 5 90 85 27.1  
2002 2dr Convertible 333-horsepower 3.2L I6
6-speed manual RWD
flat light light 10 20 5 65 70 23.0  
2002 2dr Convertible 333-horsepower 3.2L I6
6-speed automated manual RWD
hills med light 0 20 20 60 60 20.8  
2002 2dr Convertible 225-horsepower 3.0L I6
5-speed manual RWD
flat med light 2 11 24 63 70 27.2  
2001 4dr Wagon 184-horsepower 2.5L I6
5-speed shiftable automatic RWD
flat med none 8 20 43 30 68 22.6  
2001 4dr Wagon 184-horsepower 2.5L I6
5-speed manual RWD
hills lead light 5 25 50 20 75 22.7  
2001 4dr Wagon 184-horsepower 2.5L I6
5-speed manual AWD
flat v.lt light 0 0 5 95 60 26.2  
2001 4dr Sedan 184-horsepower 2.5L I6
5-speed manual RWD
flat light none 1 3 9 88 70 28.7  
2001 4dr Sedan 168-horsepower 2.2L I6
5-speed manual RWD
flat med light 20 10 20 50 100 26.4  
2001 2dr Coupe 333-horsepower 3.2L I6
6-speed manual RWD
flat med light 2 3 3 92 60 25.5  
2001 2dr Coupe 225-horsepower 3.0L I6
5-speed manual RWD
flat lead light 0 11 33 56 70 26.9  
2001 2dr Convertible 333-horsepower 3.2L I6
6-speed manual RWD
flat med light 40 23 7 30 72 19.2  
2000 4dr Wagon 170-horsepower 2.5L I6
5-speed manual RWD
flat light light 40 30 10 20 60 24.8  
2000 4dr Sedan 193-horsepower 2.8L I6
5-speed manual RWD
flat light none 25 25 25 25 60 23.0  
2000 4dr Sedan 170-horsepower 2.5L I6
5-speed shiftable automatic RWD
flat light none 15 30 30 24 60 25.0  
2000 4dr Sedan 170-horsepower 2.5L I6
5-speed manual RWD
hills lead light 10 25 45 20 60 23.0  
2000 2dr Coupe 193-horsepower 2.8L I6
5-speed shiftable automatic RWD
flat med hvy 5 20 25 50 60 20.3  
2000 2dr Coupe 170-horsepower 2.5L I6
5-speed shiftable automatic RWD
flat light hvy 5 10 15 70 70 23.0  
1999.5 4dr Sedan 170-horsepower 2.5L I6
5-speed shiftable automatic RWD
flat light none 10 20 60 10 100 20.7  

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This page shows only averages. See all the BMW 3-Series fuel economy data.

Mercedes-Benz CLS MPG

Mercedes-Benz CLS Mercedes-Benz CLS 2012 24.8 MPG Highway Percentage 90 percent Mercedes-Benz CLS Mercedes-Benz CLS 2009 25.5 MPG Highway Percentage 83 percent Mercedes-Benz CLS Mercedes-Benz CLS 2007 26.0 MPG Highway Percentage 85 percent
Year Body/Powertrain flat, hilly, or mountainousLand driving style: very light to "lead foot"Foot A/C use: none to heavyA/C constant stop and goTraf % many stops per mileCity % stop every mile or twoSub % fairly steady speedHwy % Hwy Spd MPG
2012 4dr Sedan turbocharged 402hp 4.7L V8
7-speed shiftable automatic AWD
flat lead hvy 0 0 10 90 75 24.8  
2009 4dr Sedan 382-horsepower 5.5L V8
7-speed shiftable automatic RWD
flat med hvy 0 3 15 83 75 25.5  
2007 4dr Sedan 382-horsepower 5.5L V8
7-speed shiftable automatic RWD
flat med light 0 5 10 85 70 26.0  

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This page shows only averages. See all the Mercedes-Benz CLS fuel economy data.

BMW 3-Series vs. Mercedes-Benz CLS MPG

Unlike other fuel economy surveys, TrueDelta's Real-World Gas Mileage Survey includes questions about how and where a car was driven. So you can get an idea of the BMW 3-Series and Mercedes-Benz CLS's where a car was driven. So you can get an idea of their real-world MPG based on how and where you drive a car.

See TrueDelta's information for all Sedans and Wagons.
See TrueDelta's information for all BMW models and Mercedes-Benz models.

TrueDelta Reviews the Real Gas Mileage of the BMW 3-Series

BMW 3-Series Real Gas Mileage: Pros
2016 A number of BMW 3 Series variants offer better fuel economy than the tested 340i xDrive. You can get a conventional four-cylinder (with EPA ratings of 23 city, 35 highway), a diesel (32/42), or even a plug-in hybrid (28/34). But for a 320-horsepower all-wheel-drive sedan, the 340i xDrive rates quite well: 21/31 with an automatic, 19/29 with a manual. Some six-cylinder competitors score nearly as well, but none quite match the BMW. For example, the tested Jaguar XE with all-wheel-drive and its mandatory automatic rates 20/29. The BMW's trip computer reported even more impressive real-world averages. In light-footed suburban driving it reported 32 mpg, and on a 70-mph highway it reported 37 mpg in one direction and 34 mpg in the other. see full BMW 3-Series review

What Our Members Are Saying about the Real Gas Mileage of the BMW 3-Series

BMW 3-Series Real Gas Mileage: Pros
2012 4dr Sedan turbocharged 240hp 2.0L I4
8-speed shiftable automatic RWD
The new twin turbo I4 produces great fuel economy and performance. Estimated 36 highway is great for a performance car, I'll report my mpg after I've had it awhile. 3 different drive modes, (economy, comfort, sport) depending on your mood. see full BMW 3-Series review
2010 4dr Sedan 230-horsepower 3.0L I6
6-speed shiftable automatic RWD
18 - 22 mpg city; 31 mpg on 1600 mile trip to include some city driving, mostly highway. see full BMW 3-Series review
2009 4dr Sedan turbocharged 265hp 3.0L I6 Diesel
6-speed shiftable automatic RWD
42 mpg with cruise at 75. 30 mpg+ mix of freeway & town driving. 25 mpg with all in-town driving. see full BMW 3-Series review
2008 4dr Sedan 230-horsepower 3.0L I6
6-speed shiftable automatic RWD
better than 20mpg in town, up to 30 on the highway see full BMW 3-Series review
2008 2dr Coupe 230-horsepower 3.0L I6
6-speed manual RWD
better than my previous car (Infiniti G35), reasonable mpg for the performance offered see full BMW 3-Series review
2008 4dr Sedan turbocharged 300hp 3.0L I6
6-speed manual RWD
averages 25+mpg for a mix of freeway/city driving see full BMW 3-Series review
2008 4dr Sedan 230-horsepower 3.0L I6
6-speed shiftable automatic RWD
30 mpg on the highway at 70mph is just fine for a 3500 pound car. see full BMW 3-Series review
2008 2dr Hardtop conv. turbocharged 300hp 3.0L I6
6-speed shiftable automatic RWD
Very good fuel economy on highway if you allow cruise control to manage speed - 26-29 mpg. In town it drops to 19-21 mpg and if you play boy racer then it'll drop to the 15 mpg area. see full BMW 3-Series review
2008 2dr Hardtop conv. turbocharged 300hp 3.0L I6
6-speed shiftable automatic RWD
Very good fuel economy on highway if you allow cruise control to manage speed - 26-29 mpg. In town it drops to 19-21 mpg and if you play boy racer then it'll drop to the 15 mpg area. see full BMW 3-Series review
2007 4dr Sedan turbocharged 300hp 3.0L I6
6-speed manual RWD
Averaging 21 MPG is 70% city/30% freeway driving. On a long road trip I average 29 MPG (includes a few mountain passes and 80 MPH average speed.) see full BMW 3-Series review
BMW 3-Series Real Gas Mileage: Cons
2010 4dr Sedan 230-horsepower 3.0L I6
6-speed shiftable automatic AWD
I knew it would drink a lot of premium fuel, but my first day of driving around the city, mostly normally, was less than 15 mpg. I swear, I wasn't pounding the gas pedal either! see full BMW 3-Series review
2010 4dr Sedan 230-horsepower 3.0L I6
6-speed shiftable automatic AWD
can be better. It depends a lot on driving habits though. Premium fuel adds to the expense. see full BMW 3-Series review
2009 4dr Sedan 414-horsepower 4.0L V8
6-speed manual RWD
Its a 414 hp V8. It drinks a lot. see full BMW 3-Series review
2009 2dr Coupe 414-horsepower 4.0L V8
7-speed automated manual RWD
I only get 18. This car should get more like 23, much like a vette or cts. see full BMW 3-Series review
2009 4dr Sedan 414-horsepower 4.0L V8
6-speed manual RWD
M3 averages 16.6 mpg. Spirited driving brings it to single digits. There is hardly any need for that, given the recent engine advances. see full BMW 3-Series review
2009 2dr Coupe 414-horsepower 4.0L V8
6-speed manual RWD
16 mpg for light city/highway driving. 16 gallon fuel tank limits range to about 300 miles for typical owners (assuming you run the tank dry). see full BMW 3-Series review
2008 4dr Wagon 230-horsepower 3.0L I6
6-speed shiftable automatic RWD
Less than the A3. Though the base 328i has a larger 6 cylinder engine while the A3 is a 4 cylinder turbo. 328i is also larger and heavier. It is more closer toa wagon while the A3 is closer to a hatchback. see full BMW 3-Series review
2008 4dr Sedan turbocharged 300hp 3.0L I6
6-speed shiftable automatic RWD
Need to burn a lot of dinosaurs if you have a lead foot like me. see full BMW 3-Series review
2008 4dr Sedan 230-horsepower 3.0L I6
6-speed shiftable automatic AWD
I average 20-22 mpg. getting expensive to run the car. I wish it was in the mid 20s, but 6 cyl and awd I guess it could be worse. and its not direct injection engine (reminds me to buy the injector cleaner stuff!) see full BMW 3-Series review
2008 2dr Hardtop conv. turbocharged 300hp 3.0L I6
6-speed shiftable automatic RWD
press the gas watch the fuel go down see full BMW 3-Series review

What Our Members Are Saying about the Real Gas Mileage of the Mercedes-Benz CLS

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