Chrysler Concorde Chrysler Concorde

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Chrysler Concorde repairs by problem area

Engine (34%)

Transmission and Drivetrain (11%)

Brakes and Traction Control (2%)

Suspension and Steering (26%)

Electrical and Air Conditioning (16%)

Paint, Rust, Leaks, Rattles, and Trim (3%)

Other (8%)

Chart based on 62 repairs.
See TSBs and recalls for the Chrysler Concorde.

Chrysler Concorde other repair cost distribution

$2500+ (0%)

$1000 - $2499 (20%)

$500 - $999 (0%)

$100 - $499 (20%)

< $100 (60%)

Worried about potential repair costs? An extended warranty can provide peace of mind.

Chart based on 5 repair trips. The repair cost chart excludes repairs made under warranty, do-it-yourself repairs, and repair trips that include maintenance.

2004 Chrysler Concorde 4dr Sedan

250-horsepower 3.5L V6 4-speed automatic FWD

194000 mi

US $231
Replaced engine cradle bushings that had disintegrated as the cradle was metal on metal with the frame 

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2004 Chrysler Concorde 4dr Sedan

234-horsepower 3.5L V6 4-speed automatic FWD

93000 mi

C $1000

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2002 Chrysler Concorde 4dr Sedan

234-horsepower 3.5L V6 4-speed automatic FWD

162000 mi Driver's side window not tracking correctly even after replacement of window regulator/motor a few months earlier. The nut that holds the track in place was working loose. Also found that coating the rubber window track with vaseline helped. 
197000 mi

US $80
Front passenger interior door handle broke making it difficult to open door from inside. 
207000 mi

US $92
Starter with the repaired solenoid had other problems, was replaced with a brand new unit made by the OEM cheaper than buying any rebuilt starter sold in typical parts stores. 

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See TrueDelta's information for all Chrysler models.

Chrysler Concorde Other Problems

See our lemon odds and nada odds page to see vehicles with no repairs or vehicles with more than three repairs. To see how frequently Chrysler Concorde problems occur, check out our car reliability stats.