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Year Make/Model Repair Trips Per 100 Cars Compared to all models for the same year    
2012 Fiat 500 46
49.6138996139% 49.6138996139% Fewest Trips Most Trips
see reported repairs
  33 500s, 10.3 months of data per 500, average 60700 miles

First model year. Owners have been reporting fewer repairs once out of warranty.
2013 Fiat 500 39
55.418719211823% 55.418719211823% Fewest Trips Most Trips
see reported repairs
  47 500s, 10.5 months of data per 500, average 44300 miles
2014 Fiat 500   small sample, members only   see reported repairs
  11 500s, 9.5 months of data per 500, average 25800 miles

* Very small sample, members only.
2015 Fiat 500 42
64.285714285714% 64.285714285714% Fewest Trips Most Trips
see reported repairs
  27 500s, 8.4 months of data per 500, average 24500 miles
2014 Fiat 500L 48
70% 70% Fewest Trips Most Trips
see reported repairs
  27 500Ls, 9.2 months of data per 500L, average 44900 miles

First model year. Much better than a year ago. Improvement could be temporary.

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Fiat Reliability

You won't find Fiat reliability information like this anywhere else. Actual repair frequencies, not just vague dots. So you can tell how much the Fiat truly differs from competing car models in reliability.

These stats are promptly updated four times a year, to much more closely track Fiat reliability as the cars age. Others tell you how reliable the Fiat was a year ago, when the cars were a year younger and had 12,000 fewer miles on them. Only TrueDelta tells you how reliable the Fiat has been recently.

What People Are Saying about Reliability and the Fiat

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What Our Members Are Saying about the Reliability and Durability of the Fiat

Fiat Reliability and Durability: Pros
2013 2dr Hatch 101-horsepower 1.4L I4
5-speed manual FWD
The car has had one failure so far in over 20K of mostly local driving only. One of the tire sensors failed, but I got a local tire shop to fix it and didn't waste a long drive to the dealer. My wife's old Honda had more failures and repairs per mile than either of my Fiat 500's - so I am pleased that they always work and drive perfectly every day like most decent modern cars. I was a bit worried since I'd owned Fiats in the past that were really NOT very good cars. But these new ones seem quite good. I think the dealer service is very poor in my opinion and will hurt sales in the long-run. These are not "main-stream" cars so how the dealers treat their few customers make a big impact on how the car is viewed and its success in the market. see full Fiat review
Fiat Reliability and Durability: Cons
2012 2dr Hatch 101-horsepower 1.4L I4
5-speed manual FWD
The other reason was sheer reliability. Lots of little things went wrong with the car, and a spotty dealer network meant each one took 3-5 hours out of my day. The shifter knob came off in my hand while driving. The steering shaft developed a "clunk" and needed fixing. Various bits of plastic trim came off. The seat got a little wobbly. All of this in the first nine months! see full Fiat review