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Questions with Chevrolet Tahoe / Suburban Recommendations

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  6 responses   Road Trip and Weekend SUV

Replacing 2007 Honda Fit- terrific reliablity but no power or size- with an SUV. Want to be able to tow a 3500 pound boat, have all wheel or 4 wheel drive for Montreal winters and light off roading (cottage roads and poorly mantained roads), full luxury features (premium stereo, leather...
  6 responses   Road Trip and Weekend SUV

Replacing 2007 Honda Fit- terrific reliablity but no power or size- with an SUV. Want to be able to tow a 3500 pound boat, have all wheel or 4 wheel drive for Montreal winters and light off roading (cottage roads and poorly mantained roads), full luxury features (premium stereo, leather...
  5 responses   Dog and activity car

We have outgrown our Honda Civic and are looking to replace it with something that can fit 4 adults, 2-3 dogs, and hiking gear. So far, the Subaru Outback and Forester seem to be the best options that I've seen, but they are pretty expensive cars so we are open...
  4 responses   New family hauler

No rush but considering something like a fully loaded used dodge caravan or town and country
  2 responses   quality made 7+ seater, 4 kids seats, 6ft5 driver, long commute

interior space (for 4 children's car seats and a tall driver), fuel efficiency (highway/incity 50/50), and build quality are very important, as is overall bang for buck/value. Seat quality for the driver is as well, as I have problems with sciatica/lower back pain.
I have looked at the chrysler, hyundai,...
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