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Questions with Ford F-150 Recommendations

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  4 responses   Car comfortable for a big guy; good fuel economy; moderate luxury; reliable; acceptable power

I'm looking for a sedan with fuel economy around 28mpg combined. The biggest requirement is ease of ingress/egress. This car is for a bigger guy with back problems. I'd like to have the option to have some luxuries like leather, heated seats, navigation, automatic climate control, etc. The car must...
  4 responses   Looking for the best tall man pickup for light duty hauling and recreation

I am looking for a pickup truck too replace my 2011 Dodge Durango Citadel, which has been an unreliable mess. I am terrified of ever buying another Chrysler product, so even though the RAM gets good reviews. It scares me. So far I have driven a Tundra 4.6 liter.
  4 responses   Looking for the best tall man pickup for light duty hauling and recreation

I am looking for a pickup truck too replace my 2011 Dodge Durango Citadel, which has been an unreliable mess. I am terrified of ever buying another Chrysler product, so even though the RAM gets good reviews. It scares me. So far I have driven a Tundra 4.6 liter.
  4 responses   Looking for the best tall man pickup for light duty hauling and recreation

I am looking for a pickup truck too replace my 2011 Dodge Durango Citadel, which has been an unreliable mess. I am terrified of ever buying another Chrysler product, so even though the RAM gets good reviews. It scares me. So far I have driven a Tundra 4.6 liter.
  2 responses   looking for the right pickup

whats the best truck for me
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  2 responses   truck used for transporting family and hauling a 23ft travel trailer

We need a new truck our dodge has engine troubles and I don't know if they are worth fixing. We are thinking about trading it in but we need something that can be a daily commuting truck as well as something to haul our 23ft travel trailer occationally.

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