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Questions with Ford Freestyle Recommendations

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  9 responses   Family vehicle, no minivans

I need something large enough to fit a growing family, and occasionally to fit adults in the back. Safety and reliability are important, though I'd also like to find something that's relatively fun to drive, if possible. Nothing too big or high off the ground. Low profile is good. The...
  4 responses   New family hauler

No rush but considering something like a fully loaded used dodge caravan or town and country
  3 responses   Reliable easy maintance low on bells and whistles family suv

I've looked at the Honda crv, the Toyota rav4, Chevy equinox, and the Ford Escape. I have family telling me the Ford Escape is a "throw away" car, and they all are anti imports, but I want a car that will last. I hate shopping for new vehicals. I have...

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