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4Runner Search

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I'm considering buying a used Toyota 4Runner. All of the reviews that I have read say that people are getting 240K to 300K out of them with normal maintenance. I'm just wondering if anyone here has had any kind of the same experience with them. I've been able to find several for sale with 150 to 170K miles around the $8 to $10K range. Just wondering what should I be looking at, considering, etc.

Car Needs: Family transporter / Errands about town / Long trips

Need minimum of 5 seats

Will consider both new and used cars
Maximum mileage: 150000
Maximum age: 15 years

Maximum price: US $ 10000

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Response from avshelden

11:13 am November 6, 2014

Have you checked the survey responses and repair histories? That will give you the best information available on the site here. Certainly the reliabilty status for all years in well in the green. Is there something you're specifically looking for that's not reported there? TrueDelta is a fantastic site to provide the data to help you answer this question, but you do have to look it up.


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Toyota 4Runner

Response from Member5726

1:03 pm November 6, 2014

I've nveer owned a 4X4 vehicle. So, basically, I am looking for advise on what to look at when I'm on the lot looking at these trucks. All of the info here seems to point to "Go for it!". I'm jus trying to avoid that one lemon in the bunch. I figure there are quite a few 4X4 owners here that may have advise.


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Response from mkaresh

10:17 am November 10, 2014

This is a fairly new area of the site, and it looks like no owners of an older 4Runner have come across your question. If you hover over the reliability stats you'll see the average odometer of the vehicles in the survey (e.g. 161000 for the 2000s).

You might also try posting a question at a forum that has provided many of our 4Runner participants, toyota-4runner.org.

One thing to realize is that the older a vehicle is, the more it matters how well it was maintained. And that once over 120,000 miles anything can happen in any car, even if it is less likely to happen in a 4Runner.


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Response from Member5726

6:16 pm November 23, 2014

Thank you mkaresh for pointing me to a 4Runner forum. I was able to contact a free members on that site and get dinner more info about how to properly check out a 4X4. I got the usual precautions about buying an older vehicle. But, most were very enthusiastic and supported the idea as a good one. I plan to make my purchase around April. I will most likely be looking for one from Pennsylvania out New York as they do not use salt and have yearly state objections for their cars. I figure that will cut down on cards that have not been maintained. I'll try and update once I make my purchase. I'm looking forward to being able to provide this site some stats on older 4Runners.


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