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Any actual ram 2500 or 3500 6.4 hemi owners who actually use it to tow?

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Hello People:

If you have one ill take any info you can share but i am really interested in towing 12-15k and knowing how it does with that load. I have a 3500 diesel 6.7 that does that weight in the blink of an eye but most people dont know that Ram (the whole company and its affiliates actually) will sell you a lifetime warranty on this truck for an extra 3k. THats a bargain if you ask me! An awesome bargain! THe question is if it can pull my rv up i70 and other mountain passes! I have towed with my old 2008 5.7 and while it handled the 13k load ( i emptied all my water and kept the weight to a minimum) it was slow going up hill and averaged 5 going up... on flats and on general terrain i got close to 10 but again... it was very peaky power that was not enjoyable (running 4.5k to 5.8k worth of rpms!). Sorry for the long run on sentence but i was typing as fast as i thought. I test drove the 6.4 and it felt amazingly quick unloaded. In a drag race between my 6.7 and this 6.4 the 6.4 would show it tail lights all day long... EMPTY. With my trailer behind im sure it would be a reverse but how bad? The 5.7 hemi could climb davis dam at about 40 MPH with around 5k on the tac. My diesel can do it with less than 2k on tac as fast as i want but... i want to defer those repair bills. A lifetime warranty would just be freaking AWESOME! So... any 6.4 hemi truck owners please chime in! I would love to get your input! TY

Need minimum of 4 seats

Will consider new cars only

Maximum price: US $ 50000

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Response from mkaresh

7:48 pm May 19, 2014

This might be too specific a question at this stage in this section's development. In the future we might make it possible for owners to sign up to field questions about their car.

For now, I'd check on a Ram forum.


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Response from royspocketpc

9:48 pm May 24, 2014

LOL :)

You told me to ask... and i did... i checked alot of forums... its mostly freaking flame wars! I was hoping to get some actual owners and this seemed to be the place! But i made up my mind of a 3500 6.4 with airbags and a few other options. Lifetime warranty seems to cost about 3k so if i break it someone else fixes it ;)



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Response from mkaresh

8:41 am May 25, 2014

Sorry to hear that the forums were so awful.

Your current and previous truck were also Rams?

There's no doubt that the gas engine will not be as efficient as a diesel.

I dug around and found this thread, on what looks to be a helpful towing forum.

Consensus is to get the 4.10 rear end to tow a heavy trailer.


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Response from royspocketpc

1:01 pm May 25, 2014

TY! I have seen that one... It seems most of the threads i find are about cummins. The 6.4 is new but that lifetime warranty is just a no brainer. Ill give up 2 MPG vs diesel and less hill climbing power for a "lifetime" (lets call it 10-15 years) of bill free repairs ;) I tow around 12 k and it seems this would be fine. My other new truck is a 2013 with the new aisin... but that thing is a fuel HOG! I love my 99 but the brakes are just not up to the task of slowing 12 k crossing mountain passes. I will for sure get the 4.10. BTW i still have both the old trucks... my house is looking kind of redneck with 3 trucks in front... but they all run! ;) The 99 tows just fine... but stopping in the wet is not its cup tea with the small disks up front and the horrible drums out back! I started a hot shot bussiness and i love that truck but its unsafe in the stopping department! The 2013 aisin diesel is amazing but the fuel consumption is just horrific for the weight ... 8-9 MPG! most videos posted of hemi owners (the new 6.4) seems to sugest 10 at 60 MPH. Thats perfect for me! And except for california it seems diesel is 50 cents to a dollar cheaper EVERYWHERE else! lower operating costs and no repairs means more money in my pocket!


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