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Caterham or Lotus 7

The Right Car for Me | TrueDelta


Own LR Discovery 4 V8, RR Evoque, and Mini Cooper S. Ex Subaru turbos. Now want a fun sports car purely for the enjoyment of driving. Speed and prestige not important. Would fall off a motorbike, so not an option...Which Caterham is the most practical ? Thanks.

Priorities: Handling / Reliability & durability

Preferred Bodystyle(s): Convertible

Car Needs: Fun toy

Need minimum of 2 seats

Will consider both new and used cars
Maximum mileage: 30000
Maximum age: 3 years

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Response from mkaresh

2:05 pm July 30, 2014

I fear your question is beyond the experience of anyone who would be responding here. As much as I think I'd enjoy a Catheram, I've never driven any of them. If speed isn't a priority, then the Roadsport 125 should be plenty of car. Otherwise, the 175. I do see that they offer both the standard and SV chassis, with the latter offering a little more room for people and luggage.

The larger question: any interest in assembling it yourself?



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Response from acetech09

7:57 pm July 31, 2014

*High-fives a fellow previous STI owner*

The 125 is bonkers fun, rented/test-drove one in England on a vacation, a while back. The 175 has more power, but the 125 never left me wanting more power. The SV to me seems counter-intuitive but if you want the extra space, it won't affect the car much.

Putting it together is fun, but not for the pure layman. Not sure how much work you do on cars but if you do anything past than changing fluids, you should be basically capable.


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Response from mkaresh

2:07 pm August 1, 2014

Seems we do have someone here with some Catheram experience. Thanks for posting this info, acetech.

Wish I could rent such a car in the Detroit area.


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