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Comfortable & a little sporty family sedan,

The Right Car for Me | TrueDelta


Looking for a good looking, nice riding/sporty ride. Seats 4 comfortably and would be good for my long commutes and business trips. Thinking about a Mazda 6 or VW Passat. Any thoughts?

Priorities: Front seat support & comfort / Materials & workmanship / Rear seat room & comfort

Need minimum of 4 seats

Will consider new cars only

Maximum price: US $ 23000

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Response from benck55

9:44 am April 26, 2017

Based on our family experience, will suggest the Passat, you got the space and good handling for a sedan. It's no Audi but comes close. The DSG transmission is sweet (love DSG/PDK). Try to get an SEL or R design variant and with Fender Audio- would recommend highly. That sound system sounds very nice, better than any Bose that comes with cars these days. You can go 1.8 or VR6. We had the VR6 SEL model. A lot of CPO out there right now. you can do a search with this URL:


My 02 cents.. :)



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