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Driver Leg room

The Right Car for Me | TrueDelta


I'm tall and need greatreal world leg room. Even the Highlander which advertises 44 inches seems small. Colorado truck seems about right in legroom

Priorities: Front seat room / Safety & braking / Reliability & durability

Preferred Bodystyle(s): Wagon / SUV / Pickup

Car Needs: Daily commuter

Primary Driver(s): Tall driver

Need minimum of 5 seats

Will consider new cars only

Maximum price: US $ 35000

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Response from Member6662

7:30 am February 21, 2016

try the Tundra, I am also quite Tall and struggle. I have an older Highlander that fits me great, new ones are a no go. The new 4Runners fit me(I thought) but the curves of the seat bother my back because they hit me in all the wrong places. Avoid sunroofs in toyotas the headroom is gone. I am going to look at a ford F150 /250 next as I do not like the current tundra body styles. Also consider Subaru Forester I fit in the older models pretty well.


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Response from mkaresh

1:33 pm February 21, 2016

Many legroom specs are measured with the seat set for a 90th- (or 95th, I can't remember exactly) percentile male, not with the seat all the way back. If the spec is under 41.5 inches, this is almost always the case. So unfortunately you can't find cars that will fit you using the official legroom specs.

IIRC Subarus are roomier than others. But if there's a car you think you'd like, I wouldn't rule it out without actually sitting in it.


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Response from NormT

8:16 am July 26, 2017

The Shaq can fit into a Buick LaCrosse so can you!


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Buick LaCrosse
Cadillac XTS
Chevrolet Impala
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