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Fuel efficient, reliable van or transit van to convert into a campervan

The Right Car for Me | TrueDelta


Looking for most reliable, spacious and fuel efficient used vehicle to convert into a campervan for long and short trips with my wife in early retirement (late 50's).

Priorities: Fuel economy / Materials & workmanship / Powertrain performance

Need minimum of 2 seats

Will consider both new and used cars
Maximum mileage: 150000
Maximum age: 10 years

Maximum price: US $ 10000

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Response from LectroFuel

11:34 am November 21, 2017

If you only have to house two people, the Honda Element would probably be the most reliable option while also being decent on gas. If you removed the rear seats of the Element, you would have a big box, which is perfect for camping and the roof is perfect for a tent.

I've found some tours of people touring their Element camper conversions. Seems like a lot of fun.




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Honda Element

Response from NormT

1:04 pm November 21, 2017

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