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Fun, manual trans, wagon or sedan, good power, efficiency

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I'm looking for a reliable, fun to drive, strong performer, AWD, sedan or wagon, greatly prefer a manual trans and a used car.

I like BMWs but in the last 5-10 years they have gotten heavy and overloaded with technology. I have a 2020 M340ix. It handles well, comfortable, is very powerful and also efficient, but it uses drive-by-wire steering, which has a very dead feel and little electronic things keep popping up. It's also a lot noisier than I would prefer. My wife drives a 2015 X3. For an SUV, it's a good drive and offers a good tradeoff between safety/visibility and handling.

I have owned a 2019 Golf R. Great fun to drive, powerful, efficient, but very low reliability. The heater went out and my mechanic, who I trust, told me it would cost ~$2000 to find out whether the problem was the fan motor or the 'head unit', and then additional costs to replace whichever part(s) were bad and they would have to be ordered from Germany. He also said that the service manual for the R was terrible - VW did not list the exact parts used for the car in many instances, like the heater parts in this case.

I have owned a Mazda 6. Handled well, very underpowered and heavy.

I have owned a Mazda 3. Great handling. Underpowered.

I have done some research on E46 BMW 3-series. Good possibilities there, but big question on reliability.

Priorities: Reliability & durability / Powertrain performance / Handling

Need minimum of 4 seats

Will consider both new and used cars
Maximum mileage: 75000
Maximum age: 20 years

Maximum price: US $ 50000

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Response from mkaresh

2:26 am December 30, 2022

A highly reliable manual AWD wagon that's light enough to feel nimble might not exist. If it does, I'd like one myself.

E46s are too old to be more reliable than a recent Golf R.

Would be nice if the Volvo V70 R was more nimble and more reliable, but of course they aren't. A Saab 900 Turbo X is somewhat more nimble than the Volvo, but reliability and parts availability can't be counted on. And can one even be found?

I imagine a Subaru isn't upscale or refined enough.

A Ford Focus RS is nicer inside and feels more substantial than a Subaru, and they're certainly fun to drive, but I wouldn't count on one's reliability, especially considering how such a car tends to be driven.

Aside from the above your only options are German, or at least German-owned. So beyond the first few years reliability is a crapshot. Most are okay, but when they're bad they can be really bad. Any chance a Mini Clubman would do the trick for you?


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