Are Jeeps still reliable vehicles that can go the distance? I've always loved the look of the Grand Cherokee, no matter which model year it was, and I'm beginning to also like the look of the more compact Jeep Liberty (2008-12 model only). How satisfied are people with the durability and maintenance costs of their Jeeps? I know the late 90's and early 2000 models had durable engines but I'm unsure of how they are now or even for the last 5 - 7 years. I'm currently driving a 2004 Infiniti G35 sedan, which I've owned since 2008, and I'm quite satisfied with it still now at 165k miles, but would like to get a SUV for the extra size/room that they offer. I'm specifically interested in 2008 year models and up for Jeep Grand Cherokee and Liberty. Can I expect to drive this car for 200k miles with very little maintenance/repair?
Priorities: Powertrain performance / Reliability & durability / Brand reputation & image
Need minimum of 5 seats
Will consider both new and used cars
Maximum mileage: 80000
Maximum age: 7 years
Maximum price: US $ 14000
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