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High capacity tow vehicle

The Right Car for Me | TrueDelta


Looking for a good tow vehicle, 4x4, capable of pushing a 10k lb trailer up an 18 degree driveway. Something that won't break the bank.

Need minimum of 4 seats

Will consider both new and used cars
Maximum mileage: 60000
Maximum age: 6 years

Maximum price: US $ 30000

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Response from mkaresh

7:30 pm November 2, 2016

That's a lot of weight and a steep driveway. The only SUV that comes close is the 3/4-ton version of the Chevrolet Suburban and GMC Yukon XL, and even with these you'd be a bit over the maximum.

A Ford or Chevrolet half-ton large pickup with its optional towing package should be capable of this task. Among these, the F-150 EcoBoost has the highest towing capacity, 12,000 lbs. So this is probably your budget option.

Really, though, you probably need (or at least want) an HD (2500-level) pickup with a diesel engine. The problem with these: they aren't cheap. I don't know pickups well, so don't have specific recommendations of the Chevrolet vs. the Ford vs. the Ram. The Ford 6.0-liter diesel had some reliability issues a few years ago, but those 2008 and newer use a different, larger engine.


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