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Inexpensive, Reliable saden for bad roads

The Right Car for Me | TrueDelta


  1. Saden for my business travels to some villages with bad roads
  2. Not interested in SUV.
  3. Example, like a Mercedes Benz C class 2000 to 05
  4. Great on gas
  5. Heavy, Reliable, Durable and Comfortable.

Priorities: Fuel economy / Reliability & durability / Off-road capability

Need minimum of 5 seats

Will consider both new and used cars
Maximum mileage: 70000
Maximum age: 12 years

Maximum price: US $ 6000

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Response from LectroFuel

10:05 pm January 30, 2017

I'm sorry to be the breaker of bad news, but the best you'll be able to do is a Toyota Avalon. Every one of your requirements are contradictory. Good gas mileage???heavy. Reliable, durable, and under $6000???example is a 2000-2005 Mercedes C class, which is not going to last. The Avalon will last, but the ones that are $6000 have more than 150000 miles. Also, a heavy car doesn't get good gas mileage. The Avalon doesn't. Look for a 2005 or newer Avalon.


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Toyota Avalon

Response from colin42

6:02 pm February 4, 2017

If bad roads means low traction then avoid rwd like the c class. C class are also expensive to repair and those years are problem bound.

If bad roads mean potholes the look for the smallest wheel size with high profile tires. This will limit the risk of bending rims. For best comfort look for a larger car to help smooth the road roughness.

I'd look at a Chevy Impala. For $6000 you can get a 09-10 year. With the 3.9 v6. This car gets over 30 mpg on the highway, although much lower around town.

If you want better fuel economy and reliable, you can a 2010 Prius for just over $6000. Look for the III or IV model


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Chevrolet Impala Limited
Toyota Prius

Response from NormT

12:07 pm July 13, 2017

Not sure of the prices now but the early 2000's is when MB offered 4matic on the C-class. I dis not particularly care for it in none loaner I had as it vibrated the steering wheel/front of the car unlike the rear wheel drive.

Does the Avalon offer AWD, or is it like the Impala just fwd?

Not sure if pre-2009 Buick LaCrosse offer AWD and in your n price range, but that era LaCrosse has beaten the Lexus ES350 in comparisons.


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Chevrolet Impala
Buick LaCrosse
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