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Love a lean, accident free, no maintenance or any other problems

The Right Car for Me | TrueDelta


Leather, backup camera, bag, heated and memory seats, safety sensors. Love black , pearl white, dark gray exterior. Just need an incredible deal without having 10000"k plus miles or being out priced. Need to have lowest offer you will give to me that can pay cash for $20 (I will show proof of funds) I can pay 3timrsbutit would have to be an extra lux car/SUV!

Priorities: Exterior styling / Ride smoothness / Audio & nav systems

Will consider both new and used cars
Maximum mileage: 169000

Maximum price: US $ 21000

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Response from colin42

9:30 am January 15, 2017

This site doesn't sell cars. It provides advice. Besides you request sounds like Typical Nigeria Scam.


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Response from mwcten

5:22 pm January 17, 2017

Well, that's certainly good you don't need 10,000 "k of torque. That would be, lets see, 10,000,000 inch pounds of torque or 833,333 foot pounds of torque. That would be quite a feat for an internal combustion engine!

You're in luck, though. I just happen to have a vehicle with the specs you mention. You can see pictures of it - just type that description into google images. The first picture that comes up; that's my vehicle!

I'll tell you what, just reply on this forum with your bank info and I'll get the $21,000 from you and I'll get the vehicle on the next ship to Nigeria pronto! Best of all, you only have to pay one time, not 3!


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Response from NormT

1:50 pm July 13, 2017

A used 2012 Buick Verano 2.4l with back up camera, leather, and proximity sensors can be found under $16,000.


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Buick Verano
Buick Regal
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