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SUV or truck that can take on Colorado Rockies roads

The Right Car for Me | TrueDelta


Our current adventure vehicle is a front wheel drive Honda Pilot. It's a great car that cannot make it up more severe terrain. We drive on a lot of logging roads and dirt / gravel / rock roads with an incline to get to hiking, dispersed campsites, firewood gathering, etc. It'll do okay most of the time but there are moments where we just can't go further due to the drivetrain. We also need more ground clearance. I tried putting all terrain tires on it, but to no avail: it's much better, but when there's a huge dip in the road going uphill or really sandy inclines, it will not budge. We're sick of the stress of not knowing if we'll make it and we're not even really going off-road.

So, outside of the Tacoma or 4Runner or a Jeep, what other vehicles out there are reliable but less known or popular?

Priorities: Off-road capability / Safety & braking / Reliability & durability

Need minimum of 6 seats

Will consider both new and used cars
Maximum mileage: 100000
Maximum age: 12 years

Maximum price: US $ 25000

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