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Used SUV

The Right Car for Me | TrueDelta


Like the Ford Escape a lot but worry about its reliability after 100k miles; also need an idea of its longevity. Subaru Forester looks like a more reliable car and I would buy one at a good price. Has enough cargo space for me but seating appears a bit cramped compared to Escape. Looking into Grand Cherokees and will seriously consider one if its reliablity is exceptional and its price attractive.

Priorities: Cargo capacity / Reliability & durability / Price or payments

Need minimum of 4 seats

Will consider both new and used cars
Maximum mileage: 120000
Maximum age: 17 years

Maximum price: US $ 5000

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Response from mkaresh

12:15 pm November 17, 2016

For reliability in a car with over 100,000 miles Toyotas and four-cylinder Hondas really are better than the rest. Pre-2010 Subarus over 100,000 miles can definitely become troublesome. The Jeep definitely isn't a solid bet. You might get lucky, but I wouldn't count on this.

The problem is that because Hondas and Toyotas last longer they will cost more as used cars. I don't know how old a Honda CR-V or Toyota RAV4 has to be before it costs $5,000.


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Response from NormT

2:27 pm July 17, 2017

Our GMC Terrain is plenty roomy. Not sure if the price is $5,000 yet.


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GMC Terrain
Chevrolet Equinox
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