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Wagon or mid-size SUV

The Right Car for Me | TrueDelta


A wagon or mid-size SUV. Reliability a must. Heated, supportive seats for long trips (My 07 VW Passat wagon is my current benchmark). Decent gas mileage. A decent radio that accepts phone/bluetooth connectivity.

Priorities: Reliability & durability / Front seat support & comfort / Audio & nav systems

Need minimum of 4 seats

Will consider both new and used cars
Maximum mileage: 80000
Maximum age: 6 years

Maximum price: US $ 12000

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Response from AcuraT

5:06 pm March 22, 2023

Unfortunately at that price point, age, and mileage it is very difficult to find a car that fits your reliablity concern and needs to be a wagon or SUV. Wagons have been gone for some time now (at least any that are reliable as even Subaru now with its CVT does not last longer than 150,000 miles, and the throttle body on the CVT can fail as early as 80,000 which is about $1000 to fix).

Your best bet is a RAV4 with around 110,000 to 120,000 miles. Why would I say that? Toyotas are the best at long term reliabilty, and one with that milege will be about at your price point most likely (depends on where you live of course). Those cars the powertrain and electrical systems tend to last about 200,000 without too much trouble if well maintained. It should get you another 80,000 to 90,000 miles with repairs that won't kill you. No guarantees at the price point you want but it would give you the best chance. In my area RAV4s with the mileage I state and in the price range the newest I can find are 2012 models, and more 2011 models.

Best of luck.


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