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next BMW convertible

The Right Car for Me | TrueDelta


2009 BMW 335CI

Priorities: Brand reputation & image / Handling / Exterior styling

Preferred Bodystyle(s): Convertible

Car Needs: Fun toy

Primary Driver(s): Senior driver / Short driver

Need minimum of 4 seats

Will consider both new and used cars
Maximum mileage: 75000
Maximum age: 10 years

Maximum price: C $ 15000

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Response from mkaresh

12:00 pm February 29, 2016

I'm not terribly familiar with used BMW prices, but do wonder if you can find a 2009 335 Ci for C $15,000. In general, once BMWs are $15,000 they don't tend to be reliable.

That said, the BMW 1-Series is also worth a look. It will be less expensive and since it is smaller and much lighter it handles with more agility. Soft top instead of a hard top, though (which is one reason it weighs less). If you can live without the power of the turbo engine the non-turbo will also be less expensive and less likely to require expensive repairs.


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BMW 1-Series

Response from NormT

2:24 pm July 24, 2017

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