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senior driver wants long distance comfort

The Right Car for Me | TrueDelta


What do you think of the Ford Flex?

Preferred Bodystyle(s): Sedan / SUV

Car Needs: Errands about town / Long trips

Primary Driver(s): Senior driver

Need minimum of 4 seats

Will consider both new and used cars
Maximum mileage: 30000
Maximum age: 2 years

Maximum price: US $ 30000

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Response from mkaresh

11:15 am March 11, 2015

The Flex is very comfortable and quiet, but also very large. If you need a three-row vehicle with a focus on comfort, it's possibly your best option. But if you don't need so much interior space then smaller Fords also tend to be quiet and comfortable. I really enjoyed the Lincoln MKC I had for a week recently.


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