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Back-country - Snow vehicle

The Right Car for Me | TrueDelta


I am looking at a 2016 Jeep Compass with 23,500 miles for $18,000

Former rental car.

I am told this is a good price for the milage...

I am looking for basic dependable and durable transportation - bells and whistles are of little importance to me.


Priorities: Reliability & durability / Off-road capability / Front seat support & comfort

Need minimum of 2 seats

Will consider both new and used cars
Maximum mileage: 50000
Maximum age: 4 years

Maximum price: US $ 20000

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Response from Jim

9:13 am April 21, 2017

Jeep is not noted for "reliability and durability." I would look elswhere. Probably at a Subaru Forester.


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Subaru Forester
Toyota RAV4
Honda CR-V

Response from samuel.bethune

4:29 pm April 21, 2017

I agree with Jim, but not for the same reason. I own a Jeep Liberty and the reliability has been great, but the Compass is built on the Dodge Caliber platform and is not particularly well-suited for back-country driving. I think a Subaru Outback or Forrester would be a much better choice.


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Subaru Outback
Subaru Forester
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