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Fuel efficient dependable car for husband to take on long business trips. Big enough on the inside for a family.

The Right Car for Me | TrueDelta


I like the handling of the Camry XLE but it only comes in a light interior which my husband will trash. The Passat seemed durable and with diesel had great mpg. Just concerned with the VW reliability beause of things I have read online. The Nissan Altima had a very small backseat. The Avalon was a nice size but enters into a whole other price range. So frustrated. My husband says just buy something but I am the type I will drive something forever if I like it. So tired of looking and agonizing over cars that are soo similiar. Please any suggestions appreciated.

Priorities: Safety & braking / Fuel economy / Warranty, maintenance cost / Price or payments / Reliability & durability

Preferred Bodystyle(s): Sedan

Car Needs: Daily commuter / Long trips / Client-facing

Primary Driver(s): Tall driver

Need minimum of 5 seats

Will consider both new and used cars
Maximum mileage: 40000
Maximum age: 3 years

Maximum price: US $ 30000

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Response from willied

6:17 pm June 18, 2014

I suggest test driving the Mazda 6 and the Ford Fusion. If you think the Camry handles well then you're in for a treat with these cars. The Fusion is quieter so it may be better for long trips.


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Ford Fusion
Mazda Mazda6

Response from mkaresh

7:54 am June 19, 2014

While the reliability of VWs has improved, the Passat remains iffy in our stats.

It sounds like you looked at a pre-2013 Altima. The current one has a fairly roomy back seat (at least this was my impression) but reliability hasn't been good.

Like willied, I like how the Fusion and Mazda6 drive, but you might find their back seats too tight. With the Fusion, the 2014 is much more reliable than the 2013, at least so far.

For reliability and interior space it's hard to beat the 2013-2014 Honda Accord. This might actually be the car you'd like best, and it's offered with a dark interior.


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Honda Accord
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