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Replacement car for Di

The Right Car for Me | TrueDelta

Price is key, can't spend over $12,000 and less would be more doable. Front seat comfort, low repair track record, are important.

Priorities: Reliability & durability / Front seat support & comfort / Cargo capacity / Fuel economy / Handling

Preferred Bodystyle(s): Sedan / Hatch / Wagon

Car Needs: Daily commuter / Family transporter / Errands about town / Long trips

Primary Driver(s): Senior driver

Need minimum of 5 seats

Will consider both new and used cars
Maximum mileage: 40000
Maximum age: 4 years

Maximum price: US $ 12000

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Response from mkaresh

7:53 am May 25, 2014

I think you can find 2011 and 2012 Ford Fusions at this price. (Avoid the 2010, as it has been a bit troublesome.) About as reliable as domestic cars get, and because it's domestic used car prices are more affordable. Good all around car, and Ford seats tend to be more comfortable than most.

The photo is of the 2013. The 2011-2012 were the previous, squarer design.


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Ford Fusion
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