I'm looking for a vehicle 2 peoplecan sleep in the back of, which drives reasonably well in the snow, and is reasonably fuel efficient. I will use it for a snowy 150 mile round trip commute every day, driving in snow, ice rain, and snow. Also snow. Lots and lots of snow. I think its pretty obvious we live in Middle of Nowhere, Canada. We will be using it for long trips, during which we would like to sleep in the back to save on hotels. We dont have much of a budget, so it needs to be pocket friendly.
Priorities: Safety & braking / Ride smoothness / Fuel economy
Preferred Bodystyle(s): Wagon / Minivan / SUV
Car Needs: Daily commuter / Long trips
Need minimum of 2 seats
Will consider both new and used cars
Maximum mileage: 100000
Maximum age: 10 years
Maximum price: US $ 15000
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