honda element
14K - 25K
only 4 seats/seatbelts
we love this car
Best comment in this forum to (still laughing to myself)
Having said that, there are a lot of vehicles you listed that I wouldn't think of as seating 5, and least not very comfortably, e.g. Honda fit.
I'm curious where your reliability ratings are coming from. For example, here on TrueDelta, over half of the model years for the Jetta Sportwagon show the green happy face (here).
I also noted your comment to have a car that will last 20 years, and that you are in Connecticut. Granted I live a bit further north, but I would suspect you'll want to target something with rock solid body corrosion performance, or move south. I know when we bought our VW and Audi, both came with a much longer rust warranty than many other cars we looked at.
I can't find any reliability results here, and they are a bit old now, but with your comments on convertable space, I am tempted to suggest a Subaru Baja. Reading your overall post, it sounds like you should really go with the Element if you can live with the seating (I'm assuming if that was a deal breaker it would not have been on your list)
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