In this case I am going by Consumer Reports As True Delta does not have data on this car.
According to Consumer Reports, this is not a very reliable battery powered car. In 2014 the first year of production there were problems with the drive system (power train), Electical system, climate system, squeaks and creaks are the norm, and in car electroincs cause some concerns.
In 2015 things got worse. All of the above still holds true, and the added issue of power equipment was a problem.
In 2016, problems are reduced to only some minior drive system issues and squeaks and creaks (body integrity according to CU).
In 2017, CU did not get enough results to give a survey either.
My two cents - stay away. You are better off with the Toyota Pirus, Chevy Volt or Bolt. The Volt has been hit or miss, with the years 2013, 2015, and 2017 being more reliable. Bolt has been fine. Prius has more cargo space and is a little more reliable, but you cannot get in only electric.
You may be told about the Tesla Model 3 but note it is back ordered over a year and the only model they are making right now is the loaded one - which is over $60,000. The only electric car on the market that is reliable, available, and with over 200 miles range is the Bolt. The Nissan Leaf if also a decent car but it has less range (about 140 miles).
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