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The Right Car for Me | TrueDelta


What car will best fit my requirements,yet is still great looking?

Preferred Bodystyle(s): Coupe

Primary Driver(s): New driver

Need minimum of 4 seats

Will consider both new and used cars
Maximum mileage: 50000
Maximum age: 15 years

Maximum price: US $ 5000

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Response from mkaresh

9:06 pm January 16, 2015

It will be hard to find anything with under 50,000 miles for under $5,000. A nationwide search of autotrader.com suggests you'll mostly find the Saturn SC, Ford Escort ZX2, and Chevrolet Cavalier / Pontiac Sunfire. Possibly also an Olds Alero, Pontiac Grand Am, Dodge Avenger, or Chrysler Sebring.

If you were comfortable with more miles, you'd have more options, even among newer cars.


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Saturn S-Series
Ford Escort / ZX2
Chevrolet Cavalier

Response from toddcurry

1:30 am January 19, 2015

I agree. Your milage limitation is forcing you into a bad bracket. You could make it work with a nice salvage title car.


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