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teen and adult car

The Right Car for Me | TrueDelta


toyota hybrid
mitsubishi mirage ES
ford focus trend
mazda6 sport

Preferred Bodystyle(s): Coupe / Sedan / Hatch / SUV

Car Needs: Daily commuter / Family transporter / Errands about town / Long trips

Primary Driver(s): New driver / Senior driver / Tall driver

Need minimum of 5 seats

Will consider both new and used cars
Maximum mileage: 30000
Maximum age: 2 years

Maximum price: A $ 25000

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Response from willied

11:43 am April 10, 2014

How about a Mazda6? It's great on gas, fun to drive, should be reliable, and it can be had in a manual (you may not be into that, but it's there if you want to have more fun). The Fusion is another great choice, and it is also fun to drive while being a little more refined than the 6. I'm not really sure what you're looking for exactly since you listed so many body styles, but the two I suggested would be great if that's what you're looking for.


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Mazda Mazda6
Ford Fusion

Response from mkaresh

1:47 am April 11, 2014

The member posting is in Australia, where they sell the Mondeo rather than the Fusion. Cars are also more expensive down there.

Like the first person to respond, I need more information to make a good recommendation. With so many boxes checked and so little text it's hard to tell what your top priorities and tastes are.


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Response from willied

10:25 am April 11, 2014

Response from willied

7:21 pm April 11, 2014

Thanks everyone. I have decided to hang on to my Honda Odyessy perhaps for another couple of years while I still need the loading capacity for helping friends move, camping and transporting up to 7 family members sometimes. we have garage space only for one car but most of the time a young adult or teeen or myself are the only one driving. I will do serious hunting when the time comes. I am widowed so value somewhere to brainstorm.


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