You will have lots of good choices in The Land of The 4 Door Sedan! If you don't have a strong brand or model bias it will probably take some time to sort through all the options. I point you to Toyota Camry, Honda Accord, Kia Optima, Mazda 6, or Ford Fusion; are all reliable, comfortable, and fuel efficient.
Camry & Accord are top picks and also will be top dollar. You're likely to get more value by going with the Optima (along with a 10 yr warranty if you get a Kia Preowned Certified one)), M6, or Fusion. The M6 and Fusion in particular are sort of sleeper models -- they have a lot to offer but are not as wildly popular as the other models. The result is their resale value is more affordable.
Rather than try to provide you details on each of the above models I suggest that you go to Consumer's Report to help you sort out the details. Another great way to sort through your choices is to google various comparisons such as: "Toyota Camry vs Mazda 6 vs Honda Accord". You will get lots of professional and amatuer opinions to guide you. Narrow your choices down on-line then strap yourself and favorite passenger(s) behind the wheel for the longest test drive you can finagle.
If you are not in a hurry and live in a major city, I suggest that you consider utilzing Turo to help you with your decision. With Turo you can rent a wide variety of models from the owner for $30-$60 a day giving you an opportunity to actually live with the model for a day or two. That is so much more useful than the typical 15-30 minute test drive you would get from a dealer.
Then it boils down to which car best suits your needs, tastes, and budget. We would love to hear back on what you select!
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