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Reliable Luxury Sedan

The Right Car for Me | TrueDelta


Great reliability is an absolute must. Spacious interior and numerous features are much appreciated. Something similar to the Cadillac CT6, Mercedes E-Class, and particularly the Genesis G80 is what I am looking for. At least 300 hp and 270 lb-ft of torque. At least 19 mpg city. Interior design and comfort is a priority.

Priorities: Interior styling / Feature availability / Reliability & durability

Preferred Bodystyle(s): Sedan

Car Needs: Daily commuter / Long trips / Fun toy

Primary Driver(s): Tall driver

Need minimum of 4 seats

Will consider new cars only

Maximum price: US $ 50000

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Response from Member3151

9:33 pm September 27, 2016

If you are willing to consider a lease-return CPO car, a BMW 535i will cover your requirements nicely for three years; it ticks all your boxes. Additionally, you'll have free service for the three years and be under the full bumper to bumper warranty. I have had a string of BMWs and my last few have been 5 Series. I wouldn't recommend keeping the car once out of warranty but I'm not sure I'd recommend that of any luxury brand save Lexus. The only drawback I've found is the tendency of the Conti run-flat tires to wear out in 18,000 miles. Otherwise, the ownership experience has been completely painless.

The 528i is close to your price, new, but won't provide the HP you want, and won't be $50K with the options you want - closer to $55K. However by dropping back a year and 12K or so miles, you should be able to get the 535i


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BMW 5-Series

Response from mkaresh

2:36 am September 30, 2016

If you mean the 2016 E-Class, reliability should be okay. The 2017 E-Class and the CT6 are all-new so reliability is unknown. The latest C-Class has been somewhat troublesome in our survey, as has the 2014 CTS (we don't have data on more recently model years).

The second-generation Genesis has been very reliable so far in our survey. The G80 is essentially the same car. I don't know how much dealers discount the new G80, but it's possible to buy a 2016 Genesis for far below sticker price. A very good car for the money. The main negatives: it drives like a large, heavy car (because that's what it is) and it will depreciate quickly. A used 2015 is an outstanding car for how much they tend to sell for.


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Genesis G80
Hyundai Genesis

Response from NormT

2:17 pm July 18, 2017

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