If you are willing to consider a lease-return CPO car, a BMW 535i will cover your requirements nicely for three years; it ticks all your boxes. Additionally, you'll have free service for the three years and be under the full bumper to bumper warranty. I have had a string of BMWs and my last few have been 5 Series. I wouldn't recommend keeping the car once out of warranty but I'm not sure I'd recommend that of any luxury brand save Lexus. The only drawback I've found is the tendency of the Conti run-flat tires to wear out in 18,000 miles. Otherwise, the ownership experience has been completely painless.
The 528i is close to your price, new, but won't provide the HP you want, and won't be $50K with the options you want - closer to $55K. However by dropping back a year and 12K or so miles, you should be able to get the 535i
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