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Reliable small car

The Right Car for Me | TrueDelta


I want a car that is not a pain in the rear or that most mechanics don't want to touch like the Volvo I have now. If I need a part, I have to go to the dealer..even for little things. I'm a college student so I want something that I can afford with my budget of 8000, no more than 10 years old. I've been looking at mazda3 about 2008. I like the style and I've read they are fun to drive.

Priorities: Price or payments / Reliability & durability / Brand reputation & image

Need minimum of 4 seats

Will consider both new and used cars
Maximum mileage: 80000
Maximum age: 9 years

Maximum price: US $ 8000

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Response from TheAlterKocker

10:30 am September 16, 2017

Given your stated preferences, you should only consider a Honda Civic or a Toyota Corrolla. Both cars are incredibly reliable. If you change oil and oil filter every five thousand miles or once a year (whichever comes first) and follow manufacturer's 30,000 mile, 50,000 mile services either car will last a good 250,000 miles or more. Based on real life experience, not educated guesswork or hearsay. Hope this helps and good luck with your search.


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Honda Civic
Toyota Corolla

Response from jimmelay

7:20 pm September 18, 2017

You are right on with the Mazda 3, it's a great car. The Honda Fit impressed me too for a little runabout.


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Mazda Mazda3
Honda Fit

Response from LectroFuel

8:04 pm September 18, 2017

The Mazda 3, Civic, and Corolla are great cars. The Corolla is on the boring side, but more comfortable. Mazda's more fun. The Civic is a good balance between sport and comfort. You can't go wrong with any of them so test drive them and pick your favorite. The Honda Fit is a cheaper option that will also feel cheaper. It's a practical car however and is reliable, just less comfortable and nice than the Civic. I have heard that Mazda has slightly higher repair costs than the other Japanese brands, but it's not a big difference.


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Honda Civic
Mazda Mazda3
Toyota Corolla
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