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David's Truck hunt and comparrison

The Right Car for Me | TrueDelta


Deciding between 2013 ,2014, 2015 Ford f150 Ecoboost 4dr 4x4 or 2013, 2014, 2015 Toyota Tacoma V6 4dr 4x4
Overall vehicle costs are important to me

Thank you for any help


Priorities: Fuel economy / Reliability & durability / Towing / Warranty, maintenance cost / Discounts & incentives

Preferred Bodystyle(s): Pickup

Car Needs: Daily commuter / Errands about town / Long trips / Towing or hauling

Need minimum of 4 seats

Will consider both new and used cars
Maximum mileage: 30000
Maximum age: 2 years

Maximum price: US $ 45000

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Response from Snowblaster99

10:01 am July 25, 2014

Ford is coming out with a new F-150, so the 2014 F-150's will probably be heavily discounted. But since the F-150 is the most American car according to a few automotive journals, not sure how much these discounts will truly be.

Also Toyota's run forever. I have a 12 year old Corolla with almost 200k miles on it, haven't had to do anything but regular maintenance. But trucks may be different, hopefully a lot more engaging to drive.

But there are differences between both trucks. The F-150 is a full size truck while the Tacoma is midsize, for a lack of a better word. So if you need to haul and tow a lot of stuff at one time the Ford may be better for you since it tows like 12k pounds and the Tacoma only tows 7k. A smaller size will help you since Fuel economy however since that is a priority for you, you might want to go with the Toyota. it gets 21/25 while the ford gets 17/21. Of course, your mileage may vary but just as an FYI


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Toyota Tundra
GMC Sierra 1500
Dodge Ram 1500

Response from mkaresh

6:04 pm July 26, 2014

Midsize and fullsize trucks differ so much in size and capability, the choice between them should be fairly clear. How large a pickup do you want / need?

Compact pickup shoppers tend to report back that the Toyota Tacoma seems VERY dated even compared to the Nissan Frontier. So you might want to also look at the Frontier.

Chevrolet has a new midsize truck arriving soon.

This said, the Tacoma is likely the cheapest to operate of the bunch.


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Nissan Frontier
Chevrolet Colorado
Toyota Tacoma
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