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The Right Car for Me | TrueDelta


beautiful Interior,beautiful exterior,reliable,sedan,class/sporty look

Priorities: Reliability & durability / Fuel economy / Interior styling

Need minimum of 4 seats

Will consider both new and used cars
Maximum mileage: 100
Maximum age: 10 years

Maximum price: C $ 6500

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Response from mkaresh

11:36 am February 27, 2020

To a large extent this is going to depend on what you find beautiful.

If you can find one, a Suzuki Kizashi might be your best bet. I am a little concerned about the long-term reliability of its CVT transmission. If you'd be willing to buy one with a manual transmission, you'd have a car that is more fun to drive and less likely to require an expensive repair. A second option is a circa-2010 Ford Fusion or the equivalent Mercury Milan. The Fusion was offered in a Sport trim, though quite possibly this one will be out of your price range. The smaller Ford Focus can also be a very good buy, but I would only get the 2012 or newer with a manual transmission--the dual-clutch automatic is trouble-prone.


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Suzuki Kizashi
Ford Fusion
Ford Focus
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