Who cares about reliability information?

If you look at TrueDelta’s list of the most popular price comparisons, you may notice a few things: –Hondas dominate, with at least one Honda or Acura in over half of the comparisons –there’s little interest in the domestics, with two Fords, one Chrysler, and no GM models I’ve found similar patterns in recruiting people for the panel. Honda owners… More →

Facts vs. emotions when choosing a new car

Over at GMInsideNews, Ghrankenstein recently posted an editorial on the biases of automotive information sources. He divides these into two camps: those that strive to make the car buying process rational, and thoseĀ thatĀ assume it’s emotional. His point: the former camp overemphasizes criteria that can be reduced to numbers, while the latter overemphasizes the necessarily subjective driving experience. He places TrueDelta… More →