Free at last! TrueDelta gets a new host.

TrueDelta started out on your regular basic $4/month shared hosting plan. Then, in the spring of 2006, we moved to a VPS (Virtual Private Server) plan at Apollo Hosting. Apollo was selected based on a strong recommendation, and for the first year or so they were excellent. Support was 24/7, via toll-free phone or live chat. And little support was needed.

Then the support was outsourced and no longer 24/7. And the server started going down more often. The last straw came a few weeks ago, when the entire Apollo system was down for two hours–their own site was down, so no way to contact them online. A call to the 877 number posted on their homepage got a “this number is no longer in service” response. Had they simply closed up shop? That was not a good morning.

Their site came back, and so did the 877 number. Also, supposedly support has been brough back in-house. But for months we’ve been looking for a new host, and finally learned of one that seems very good this month.

So, as of this morning, we’re hosted by WiredTree, a small hosting company in the Chicago area that, so far, seems outstanding. Some of the people running WiredTree used to work for a larger host, LiquidWeb. The usual  story, LiquidWeb started out strong, but went downhill as it grew. Supposedly the people at WiredTree learned from that experience, and won’t repeat it. We’re hopful…