How up-to-date are TrueDelta’s stats? Our timetable.

Other car reliability surveys can spend nearly six months from when their survey starts to when they release any results. I designed TrueDelta’s process to provide stats that can be over a year ahead of others, and are never based on data more than five months old.

Here’s what our quarterly schedule looks like, using the current quarter as an example:

October 1: First email sent for the car reliability survey for the just-completed third quarter. Reminders will be sent each week to those who haven’t responded.

October 12: Members can preview updated stats that cover through September 30th based on incomplete, raw data. Over the next few weeks the data will become more complete and less raw.

October 29: Final reminder sent.

November 5: Initial review of data (over 7,000 new repair entries) complete. Results nearly final.

November 30: By this date we’ll publicly release the updated stats. A month later the cycle will begin again.